Melissa: Another Pumpkin Recipe!
Hey Melissa, when you wake up today go take a look at this recipe as it sounds like something you would like.
Whole wheat pumpkin cookie bars with your type of whipped 'icing' on top. I can't wait to give it a try but will force myself to wait till the weekend so that I don't overly tempt myself before the one-year appt. on Wednesday.
Molly, Pumpkin Pusher

Lol.. You know me well Molly! I love my pumpkin! I may try to make this for the holidays, it sounds yummy! Not a lot of protein but I am finding I need to add some carbs to get the cals right most days so this would do the trick without a ton of calories also.. thanks for sharing it with me!!!! Can't wait to try it! Tomorrow ONE YEAR!!! YEAH!