Happy December!!
Hi ya'll I just wanted to say a hello to all of my Dec friends. I have been soooo freaking busy and have had such little time on the computer let alone on myself. I feel guilty about not replying to some of your posts. But I still look when I can and write when I can.
I posted a reply on Megans wonderful post so I saw how alot of you are doing.
I am doing fine emotionally and physically. What I do need is to refocus on losing the last of the wt. I just weighed myself, back up to 170. I see my dr for the 1 yrs post op on Dec. 12 so I am 10 lbs from their goal. I did starting lifting wts, but should do a little cardio at night and really staying away from any unessesary calories. I just have so little time to journal and put stuff on fitday so I need to go back to the basics protien, protien, and shakes. No white stuff....see I am writing this down which makes more accountable. Any suggestions to taking off the last of the wt??
Thanks for letting me express myself and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and 1 yr surgiversary!!!!
Hugs, Erin

Hi Erin! It is so nice to hear from you. Sorry you have had a little gain but it sounds like you are already back on track and will do fine. I don't have any advice to offer on losing the last ten because you have already started doing it: exercising, protien, journalling, fluids. Just the basics.
Hope we'll all be able to find the time to stop by here often this month but I know how crrazy busy this month is.
Hugs backatcha!