How are all the Dec folks hanging?
Hi there Natalie. Sorry it has taken so long to write back, been a hectic weekened for me with the snow and ice I got "snowed" into work for the weekend but all is well now.
Thanks for going through the different meds with me so I can see how well you personally have responded to each of them. I plan to make an appointment here with an actual pscyhogloist/pshychiatrist (which ever one prescribes cannot remember which) and see what they think. having some testing done for my anxiety would be good no doubt. I look forward to getting it done and welcoming the assistance it will provide me and not going at it alone. I need the help for sure. Thanks again! *hugs*
Hey surgery twin!!
I feel good most of the time. Still struggling with the exercise thing.
I think my mind is catching up to my body. Not that it will ever totally match.
Appetite is good most of the time, even tho I sometimes need to remind myself to eat.
Managing the depression just with meds. Not seeing anyone, but it will work out.
My next year I am hoping to lose that last 20 pounds. And holding on to the new things I have learned. I am still very afraid of relapse and gaining all that back.
Hi Megan,
Great questions! Everyone here is definitely deserving of congratulations. We have stuck together and continue to come here for support, accountability and frienship. We are a pretty d*mn awesome group of folks!!!
For me physically...I feel so much better than I have in years. Still have some aches and pains that were caused by the years of obesity and they'll no doubt have to be dealt with over the years but at least I am no longer adding to the problems. I've got some female issues that need to be dealt with surgically but they aren't anything urgent or life threatening. Who wants more surgery? (unless it's plastics!)
Emotionally...that's a mixed bag. My home life and work life are causing tremendous stress right now and I'll be honest and say that my first response is always to turn to food. However with the help of my antidepressant at least I can now recognize when I am feeling this way I don't always give in to those feelings. I'm not perfect and often do give in but it isn't anything like it was pre-op and it isn't anything that has caused me to regain. When DH gets a job I am going to begin therapy to help sort through these issues and learn better coping behaviours. But after all that whining, the number one cause of past depression is gone and that was being overweight. I don't beat myself up anymore because I'm not as good as everybody else or how unworthy I am to be an ugly, overweight sloth. These days I practice to eliminate that negative self-talk. never went away! Hunger never went away either so I've dealt with that the whole way through this past year. What has changed recently is that foods that just didn't appeal to me at all because of my intense focus on losing weight are now starting to look good again. I am in the process of ridding my house of white foods. It is going to be tough for my family but they just have to deal with it. The instant potato flakes are gone now and will never return. Now to be getting rid of the cereals that are tempting me to graze. That will cause problems with the family but again, they just have to deal with it. I'm gonna be tough on this one.
Managing depression and anxiety...keeping on top of my daily antidepressant and keeping a close eye on symptoms. I work hard at keeping physically active even though it isn't with a lot of traditional exercise, don'****ch much tv, definitely don't sleep much and stay focused on not letting depression suck me down.
People around me have been great and very supportive. My mom seems to be a little worried about my weight loss and makes some negative comments now and then but it is rare and she *does* have a very sarcastic sense of humour so I just take it that way. People at work have been wonderful and so accomodating! Whenever we have a birthday cake someone will almost always bring me some fresh fruit. How wonderful is that?! DH actually gave me a hug today without having to be coerced into it and he's NOT a demonstrative person. I think I should mark the calendar...
1+ years post-op plans: STAY WITH MY SUPPORT GROUP. That is literally number one. Number two is to keep journalling my foods. Number three is to increase my exercise goals. I've already got my new year's resolution in learn to like/love jogging. Going to start bugging DH to buy me a treadmill too and I know just the place for it finally. Wish me luck on that one.
And for the last question...where I am this year that makes it wonderful compared to where I was last year. I really worried about failing this surgery like I failed the first one and then letting down my whole family. Now I know that while it is still a possibility it isn't likely to happen with all the safety nets I have installed. Last year I hoped I could do it, this year I KNOW I can do it and also know that it will never be easy and will require a lifelong committment. We all knew that anyway but saying it and *knowing* it deep down in our core is different.
Sorry this was so long, you know how I run on when given half the chance.

Hi my December buds and HAPPY SURGIVERSARY!
Physically and emotionally I fell better everyday I can at least shop now without having to sit down every few minutes. There are days that I am very emotional about this whole tranformation.
I can notice the weight loss at times but sometimes I look in the mirror in discuss of myself.
My appetie 1 year out is fine. I do tend to eat too many carbs but have always had a problem with that.
My depression is managed with anti depressants but I still cry somedays SCARED TO DEATH OF GAINING THIS WEIGHT BACK!!
Family and Friends say that they are happy that I am loosing weight, but some family members think I should have lost more by now.
Handling 1+years post-op One day at a time and praying very hard not to fail at this.
This year compared to last: No more high blood pressure, gerd, my cholestol is way down, I move so much better, and most of all I feel alot better.
Mini me
(deactivated member)
on 12/1/07 12:07 pm
on 12/1/07 12:07 pm
Hi, Megan!
Love it!... "You are here, and that matters" & Good Questions!
I'm finally "believing" that I wear average size clothing. Overall, I'm feeling much better. Basically, things have been settling down and the holidays are coming!
As for hunger, I feel hungry every few hours, but not after dinner & snack. I do feel anxious about future health issues at times. Following guidelines helps me a lot. DH is my biggest fan and helps me stay on track! At annual check-ups, Drs were soooo happy that I've had WLS. I plan to continue weighing food, following my Nut's directions, and keep walking... and if all goes well... in late 2008, I'm planning PS. This year has been wonderful in that I'm off BP meds and sleep apnea is no longer a problem. I was damaging my I'm so proud that I was brave enough to have WLS.
"Sharing" with All of You has been a major plus for me.

Hey Megan, I am so happy my anniversary its coming up. It has been such a great year for me, the happiest in a very long time. I have been able to loose more than 130 lbs, my state of mind has completely changed and my perspective on life too.
I feel(for the most part) very happy. A year ago, it was very hard for me to get up in the mornings, nowadays, I look foward to getting up and face the challenges of the day with a better attitude. I also look foward to doing my exercise routine 2/3 times a week--planning to increase to 3/4 a week next year.
Oh yes, I have noticed my weight loss but accepting it has been the hardest part. I see how thin I am but I still see myself as fat. It's weird, my mind has not caught up to what I see on the mirror everyday. However, I am trying very hard to accept it and also to believe it. I am ready for plastics in order to complete my journey. I think getting the TT will be a great steping stone to a new me.
I have not noticed any changes in the person around me, I think everyone treats me the same as before(never had a problem with people before). However, I can seen to get my husband away from me and that's a real problem because my sex drive is worst that ever. I have to work on it, otherwise, it might drive him away.
My mild depression has melted away with the pounds, LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!
Hi everyone!
NEAT, NEAT posts....lots of wisdom and hidden gems in the postings!
Physically, I feel 133 lbs lighter
But, I still struggle with the tendonitis and regular cramps in my calves. They are painful, and I may need to have my L knee looked at, as it continues to buckle under me on occasion. Very scary for me, as part of why I decided to have the WLS was my knee pain. I fear it coming back, and I fear chronic pain. I don't want any of that. Emotionally, I am doing ok. I think that the weight loss has unearthed some depression and I am working through that. Now that my hormones have stabilized with the initial weight loss, I feel better overall, more in control of me emotions, I wasn't always months 3-7 post op....they were rough!
I can now see the weight loss, which is nice. I think my mind has more work to do, as I still hide in the corners of elevators and I have NO concept how large (or small) I am in comparison to other females, which is frustrating. I also see lots of wrinkled skin, and try not to be upset that I have the sagging skin of a 60+ yr old...I feel good, my partner has no issues with it, so I need to work through this.
I mentioned the depression....
I think nearly 100% of my coworkers are supportive, I have had a few talk less to me, but then again, we don't go to the cafe downstairs anymore to eat junk food, so I am also around them less now! My family is all military, and they have not seen me since my weight loss. It's a bummer, but I had full body professional photos taken at month 10, and I am sending those out with Xmas cards this year. My social life is ok. I have the same friends, and all but 1 have been supportive. I have one friend who has too many issues of her own right now to support me, and I have told her perhaps our paths can cross again when she is in a better place emotionally. I have no time to be an emotional sponge anymore, it is part of what got me to nearly 300 lbs, feeling and abosrbing the pain of others. I am definitely doing better at setting boundaries at work and in my personal life, which I find to be very rewarding. I am definitely not the same person.
I have to think about 1+ yr post op.....or it could be a pitfall. I plan to journal about it this month, so more to come on that front! I think for me that a renewed commitment to exercise, manage my stress more effectively/in healthy manners, and an ability to work toward my body's set weight point (whatever that is) will be pivotal to any long term success I have with managing my weight.
I am really feeling the holiday spirit this year---my boyfriend and I put a 9 foot pine tree up at his place Friday (before the 7 inches of snow hit us here in MinneSNOWta!), and we decorated it with his kids Saturday. He said he never felt motivated previously to do one with his ex, so the kids have NEVER had a real tree! They had a blast, and there were only 2 broken ornaments this go round
I think that he and I met 8 months ago for a reason...I am in a better place to contribute to a healthy, interdependent (not codependent) relationship, and he is in a place to appreciate someone who offers partnership to him.
I can definitely see the difference in this year from the last as far as where I was in relationto others, and I am hopeful year #2 will bring even more fulfillment and appreciation for this new found lifestyle. Our WLS is the Christmas gift we gave ourselves last year that will keep on giving!
Take care all, and keep on keepin' on, and as the wise folks of AA say, "keep on comin' back!"

Hi Megan, how are you....and everyone else. I have been MIA lately....working full time, started waiting tables last on the weekends, working out on my lunch hour(2 weeks of that)and had 2 rounds of company. I took today off b/c my son is sick with the stomach flu. So I can catch up a bit.
Well good questions
How does everyone feel, physically and emotionally? physically I feel fine most of the time...I still dump now and then, and things get stuck about 2-3 x a week..I just deal with it. I do get tired sometimes but who doesn't. I do know it doesn't take a crane to get me out of bed in the morning(no more apnea, I was diaganosed but only used the machine a week before surgery, I don't snore anymore). So I sleep well now.Emotionally I have always had a high self esteem, but hated being fat, was never comfortable with it. I was skinny as a teenager and throughout periods in my life, so I know how it was to live with a thinner body. You get more attention, people are nicer to you, they notice you. But really no emotion issues, I really like me
Can you notice the weight loss now (mind catching up to body)? I still feel like I look heavy. I look at pictures and really want to take the rest of the wt off. I am 8 lbs from Dr goal of 160 and I want to be 150. I have been on plateau for like 1 1/2 months. But if I did not lose another lb I am very happy with the outcome of my surgery. I started lifting wts about 2 weeks ago, to redefine my muscles, boost my testosterone, and to increase my metablolism(at a standstill)
How is your appetite at almost 1 yr out? I have days where I want to eat more. I have stressed about my pouch size, but it is between 6 and 8 oz, and that is ok with me.
How are you managing any depression or anxiety that may be popping up? no depression, no anxiety just stress. I tried to find a little time for myself that destress me.
How have those around you (work, home, socially) changed in response to your weight loss? work is great and supportive, I work in dental office, so people always notice and ask about it, so people don't recognize me. Home - husband won't leave me alone loves his "skinny wife" and family are all great, socially well I get noticed now especially the men, love it!!
Have you forecasted how you will handle 1+ yrs post op? If so, any specific 1+ year post op goals? I want to reach my goal and stay in a 5-10 lb buffer, I do not ever want to gain wt and fail at this wonderful tool. I also want to get my plastic surgery done.
What about where you are this year makes this a wonderful year compared to last year? I can fit into a size 10 jeans and last year a 22 was tight!! Enough said