hello from Athens, December babies
it's 5a.m. and i've been wide awake for over an hour (damn jet leg and decreased post-op need for sleep
ex-boyfriend is in our room sounds asleep, i'm downstair using the computer in the lobby. we went to bed around 1a.m. (i think, we were both excausted) so i'll need a lot of coffee to get me through all the sighseing today.
so far, athens has been absolutely beautiful--we went out last night |(our first night here), had dinner in one of their most famous 100plus year old tavernas and then went bar hopping in the city's main nightlife area.
the food was the best i has in years (or maybe it's just that i'm so used to my routine with EAS shakes, etc. that eating out provided welcome variety.) it was funny when the greek owner admonished me for not eating enough. he was like: you are too thin, you should eat more, and kept sending us free drinks and appetizers. i kept trying to explain that the food was excellent (it really was) but that i was just too full to everything on my plate (the portions were huge, even my ex-boyfriend who is a non-op couldn't finish his.) i ate quite a bit ****il i was comfortably full) but was glad to know my huge pouch still provides some restriction (i was kind of mad at my pouch a few days ago when i did my cottage cheese test and found out it was 10oz)
on a related note (and TMI here), i probably had way too much to drink: a before dinner Metaxa (local brandy), their version of grappa (after dinner drink)--as i said, the awesome tavern owner wouldn't let us leave and kept sending us free stuff that's famous locally, and then 3 vodka tonics (we went to 3 different bars.) i was fine, no slobbering and no headache this morning or anything but man, i don't even want to think about the calories--i'm definitely limiting drinking to a vacation-only thing.
another TMI (was TMI but you guys are my friends here and i need to tell someone). later that night, i took an ambien to fall asleep in spite of the time difference (after i though the alcohol had left my system.) well, i had that weird side effect again where i don't remember what happened starting about 10minutes after i took it and until i must have fallen asleep. the last thing i remember clearly is watching a dvd w/ex boyfriend in our hotel room--i was wearing undies and a t-shirt to sleep in and he was wearing boxers and a t-shirt.
well, when i woke up an hour ago, i discovered that well, neither one of us was wearing anything...hmmm. so obviously something happened (which is not a huge deal or anything, at least i know he is safe and i could probably use some) but i don't remember who started it or what exectly happened.
i need to have a conversation with him when he wakes up to make sure things are not weird between us. as in "honey, i just want to make sure you know this was not an attempt at reconsiliation, in case i'm the one who initiated it, just a friends with benefits thing...by the way did we have sex?
" i've never had a drunken one night stand in my life so i'm really not used to waking up naked not knowing what happened or whether it was any good
. oh well, no more ambien for me no matter how jet-legged i am.
oh well

i am glad you are having a good time...i am so glad to be catching up on all of this--i was out of town for the holiday and this is the first time i have been able to log on. You have made me laugh and i quote "i'm really not used to waking up naked not knowing what happened or whether it was any good" Keep on having a good time...be careful and there is no such thing as TMI among friends!