insomnia--anyone else?'s 3:50a.m. and i've been wise awake for 20min. i took an ambien (10mg) before bed but it must either not be absorbing fully and/or go through me at 100miles/per hour (all that exercise must have jacked up my metabolism) so it doesn't work all night.
to add insult to injury, in my ambien induced stupor, i must have eaten 2 protein bars and 3-4 minuature candy bars (sneakers and rieces pieces cups) right before bed--the wrappers are right there.another grrr.
i did walk those last 3 miles lasy night, though and, overall, no major damage done, i hope--the scale shown 126.5--my lowest ever.
Hey Natalie.. ambien has been proven to do this to people, cause them to weird binging in their sleep, its documented. There was a huge discussion on the main board about it the other day.. try google searching about it and also doing a search on OH I think you might be surprised.. Id try melatonin over the counter and ditch the ambien or may be tylenol PM...
I also don't require the amount of sleep I once did preop.. I sleep 4-6 hours a night and that's it.. makes 1000 calories seem like a little doesn't it when u are trying to spread it out over that many hours!
you are right, i'm ditching the stuff or keeping it for emergencies only. when i came downstairs this morning, i discovered that on top of that i had eaten hald a pack of smoked salmon (i now vaguely remember doing this). anyway, i don't like this drugged out state one bit. that's probably what an alcohol black-out feels like (and i've never been drunk enough to experience that--although i've done my share of partying).
i did try tylenol PM but it doen't work well and gives me the drowsy feeling the next morning.
maybe, like you, i just need less sleep now that i carry much less weight around