Stress Eating...Confession
I have been eating allot of wrong things lately. Last night I ate half a bag of my kids Goldfish snacks and some candy corn. For the last 2-3 weeks I have been eating candy and misc carbs like they were going to disappear from the earth. I even started out today with a Venti Starbucks and half of a NSA Banana Nut Loaf, but as of right now I am going to eat good the rest of the day. I will not hit the candy jar at my co-workers desk, I will not eat the bag of Goldfish while watching a movie, I know I can do this.
Allot of my problems are because of family stress. My dh has been having allot of pain lately and is going in today to have shots in his neck, which I am hoping will help. I hate seeing him hurting so much which makes me upset and unfortunately, I still turn to comfort food. I know this is something I need to get under control and right now I think I have the motivation to do so.
I know this is rambly, but I felt if I wrote it down it would help out my psyche. I hae stress!
I am so glad you had the courage to write this down... that is a giant step in the right direction. One year ago I would have never told anyone about my stress eating and then eaten more... probably hiding it from my loved ones (literally).... and then eaten more because of the guilt. I think it is a cycle we have to break - if we do eat the wrong things we have to forgive ourselves and make better choices. Stress is a butt kicker - on emotions, eating etc. etc. I am so impressed with your insight on the situation and know that you have the resolve to keep on going with your healthy lifestyle. You are motivating me too! I have been thinking about seeing an eating disorder or food addictiion therapist to help me put strategies in place to never go back to the obese person I was - I just figure it cant hurt and I am worth it - and so are you!!!!
Have you logged your food - even the goldfish - into fitday or spark people??
Hey Amy, I don't think I have any further words of wisdom then things I have already offered in the past.. alternatives to the foods you are craving that are more healthy is what works for me. SF varieties of things, homeade protein desserts/bars, my EAS shakes I love and crave.. otherwise learning how to handle the stress head on is the kicker.. I am in therapy for this and it helps a lot. I have learned to turn to the treadmill when I am stressed, running a couple miles get all the steam out of me.. also turning on some uplifting music, getting lost in a book, coming here to OH like you just did and reading the inspiring people's stories, or taking a long hot bubblebath.. putting on some yummy smelling lotion or buying a new pair of pants/shirt, etc.. its hard not to turn to our friend food but if you can make some changes with the foods you turn to until you can get your underlying stress handled or least diverted in a different way is the only answer I can think of right now.. and getting some therapy too if u are up for it. It's priceless in my book. Remember as I always say.. this surgery is 98% mental. Hang in there sweetie.. hugs.
Aw Amy, a big hug for you! {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}} Stress totally sucks dust! I hate what it does to us and the control it tries to exert over our lives. I'm so sorry your dh hasn't felt well, hope that the shots will relieve his pain.
Good for you writing it all down and getting it 'out there'...I think that really helps. My nut. told me once that by committing to working on solutions to problems is a good step towards overcoming them. There's just something about getting it out there that seems to help make it happen.
Hang in there and keep fighting to stay out of that candy jar and those Goldfish. You can overcome those two obstacles and end up much stronger!
You can stop the snacking at any point, promise! I had a period of one week with significant leg pain (I've been newly diagnosed with tendonitis in both calves due to overexercise) and I ate like it was going out of style. I stopped one day, started up correctly the next, and haven't looked back. That was 2 weeks ago.
HANG IN THERE, and take back the control~
I really don't have much to add - everyone gave such perfect advice. I just wanted to post and let you know I COMPLETELY understand how you are feeling. I found myself holding a mini 100 Grand candy bar to my mouth and it took absolutely everything in me not to pop it into my mouth. Throwing it into the trash was the best feeling
Hang in there - if you keep addressing your bad habits and substituting positive habits, little by little your behaviors will change.
You're strong enough to get through this - maybe speaking it outloud to your husband would help?
- Kerdeeya