Low Fat Turkey Option for Thanksgiving
He must have to keep his co-vegan tendencies in the closet when he's around "the guys" huh? Or does he just resolve himself to taking a tremendous load of CRAP every time he eats with others? You have no idea how much pressure us GUYS are under to be GUYS. And you ladies all know that if it were up to us INDIVIDUALLY, we'd be right there with you, doing needlepoint and watching Fried Green Tomatos every weekend while we looked longingly into your eyes and brought you tea and a plate full of chocolates... (jeez... was that over the top or what? Just let me know what point in my diatribe you started thinking, "WHAT A CRAP ARTIST".)
As part of my penance for the above rant, I promise you that I will stop on my way home from work, pick up the ingredients to your recipe, and make myself some to try on the two tablespoons of dressing that I'm making this year to go with my turkey cutlet... Do you Forgive Me?