results of cottage cheese test
Hi guys, well I did the cottage cheese test. I gagged a few times, I cannot eat it like I used to, the taste and texture to me is awful.
Anyways the results are
4 oz -I was not full
6 oz - full, but felt I could eat more
8 oz - uncomfortable and very full almost to the point of being neaseated
So I'm guessing my pouch capacity is between 6 and 8oz, which is ok by me. Just wanted to share with all of my online buds.
Have a wonderful sunday...Erin

LOL! Sorry it didn't make your pouch happy this morning. I've heard of doing that test with oatmeal instead but that would be a carb nightmare. In pre-rny life I never even heard of cottage cheese pancakes and the thought of them would probably have made me gag but now they are a real weekend treat and I look forward to them!
Terisa here is a link I found
good luck, Erin