pouch size aaarrrggghhh!!!
Hi guys, hope everyone is well. Well I have talked with Melissa before about this. But I am curious to see how many oz you eat at a sitting. 8oz=1 cup. I've gone up and down.
If the food goes down ok, I can eat 9 oz. ( I know this because I just ate a lean quisine and it was 9 oz, ckn rice and broccoli)
If the food doesn't go down ok ( I still get sick 2-3 times a week and food gets stuck about 6 times a week, I had 2 strictures fixed and am not messing with my plumbing again) so if the food gets stuck I usually wind up getting about 4 oz in.
So at almost 1 yr out how much does everyone eat?
I feel like my pouch is tooooo big and am concered about it, I sure the heck did not go through all this for my pouch to fail, and I am still 18 lb from goal. There was a good link regarding pouch size and I can't find it anymore.
Thanks for any input...Erin
Erin, I'm sorry you are stressing about your pouch size. I really haven't tested mine because I think it would worry me since it is probably bigger than I think. For now, I just keep using my small plates and measuring foods to keep the volume down. If I am having a regular, well-balanced 'meal' then I usually can't get past about a cup capacity but of course that depends on what the foods are. If they are soft and 'sliders' then a lot can go down and I try not to eat too much of that type of thing. That is one of the many things I did wrong after my first wls and I am determined not to let that happen again.
My doctor's bariatric coordinator is about 4 years out and I think she says her capacity is 1/3 cup which seems awfully small to me but I may be remembering what she said incorrectly. Maybe her portions are just 1/3 cup and not her capacity. Personally, I do not have the willpower to only eat 1/3 cup and usually let my pouch tell me when to quit. One thing that is a current struggle is eating slower and putting down the fork between bites. I am really trying to relearn that.
Sorry, this was a lot of rambling...it has been such a stressful week and I am a bit blue today and just not myself. Working on it though!
Molly thank you for your reply, I am sorry you are feeling blue. I hope tommorrow finds you a *****eerier(is that a word?)
Thank you for the information. I know what you mean about slider foods. You have to watch it. I am just trying to compare myself to what others are doing. I need to start doing fitday, but I just don't have the time, and in a couple of weeks, I am going to start a second job waiting tables on Friday and one day during the weekend at a country club. Well thank you again Molly and I hope you feel better!!
Hugs, Erin
Hey Erin, I have finished an entire SB mean before and its 10.5 ounces.. keep in mind that frozen food is packed with water and so it slides through and mushes down very WELL.. Trust me if you made a drier fresh piece of chicken and some raw veggies.. no way u could eat that much.. remember its 1 to 1 1/2 cups of CHEWED food.. those meals chew down to mush.. nothing really.. you are fine sweetie. *hugs* no worries k?
Ahhhh Miss Melissa always makes me feel better. I am going to test tommorrow. I am going to measure every meal. We are having grilled steak and cooked white beans with ham (nothing but protein) and I will let you know how I do. I don't eat those meals everyday, but there are a few that I like when I don't feel like cooking. Have a wonderful weekend, even though you are working

I am glad that made you feel better, let me know how it goes with the steak and beans.. I imagine no way you can finish that much but do keep in mind.. the rarer the steak the more u will probably be able to consume b/c its more tender. I find the more well done it is the less I can consume.. just a thought.
Hi Melissa well I ate medium steak and beans and sliced tomato. I ate about 7 oz. This morning ate 1 oz scrambled egg, 2 pc of sausage 1oz and two bites of banana and heave ho...only the banana though. I am going to try the cottage cheese test tommorrow morning for b=fast even though I dislike cc now.
How is your day going???
Hi Erin, my nate is going pretty well.. thanks for asking! Hey abuot what you ate.. let me tell u what is typical for me.
Tonight I had 3.5 ounces of chicken baked and 1/2 cup steamed veggies, I stop but I bet I coulda ate a bit more. I also eat a cup of chili with 2 crackers or 1 small tortilla with 3 oz of meat, 1 ounce of cheese and some romaine.. pickle on the side.. i prolli eat more than you do honestly. I am at 6 oz of chewed food I would imagine or 8 oz of "volume" pre chewed. They say at 1 year we are to be at 1 to 1/2 cups of chewed food so I think we are fine. It seems the farther and farther we go out the more normal my meals seems... its weird I know what you mean!
Hi Erin,
The only thing that I haven't seen brought up yet (unless I wasn't looking close enough) is rate of intake. I know that about three times a week, I get "stuck" and it's only because I don't take time between bites and because my bites are too big. Are you paying close attentio to that? I learned that if I take 20 min to eat, and put my spork down between each bite, and keep my bites small enough - everything goes down smoothly and it doesn't take very long before I'm feeling full. When I get stuck and then get it un-stuck, I know that I don't feel like trying again even if I'm kind of still hungry. I just give up. I know that's not nutritionally sound, but it's just a terrible feeling when something gets stuck. I even had a small portion of long grain rice the other day thinking that the kernels are all very small and it would go down very easily. No way! It got all clumped up and stopped right at the opening to my pouch. It was the first time that I had tried rice - which I used to love, by the way. And now I'm completely off it... can't even think about it without getting sick.
So, what say you about your eating pace and your bite size?