What did ya eat today and how did ya move? - Friday

on 11/9/07 7:28 am - Northwood, IA
Hey gang.. getting ready to leave with hubby for dinner and shopping. We are going to his favorite eating establishment tonight.. famous daves.. I will make sure I have my SF bbq sauce and FF italian dressing in hand! Then some furniture shopping and maybe a movie? Donno yet. My legs are sore from running yesterday, not sure why than I got off track for about a week. No exercise today honestly.. I will run tomorrow before work, promise as I know my legs won't be so sore. B: 2 pumpkin protein muffins with 1 tbsp of light whip and 'frosting' L: 1 Joesph's pita with 2 oz of ham steak and 1 egg, tsp of light mayo S: SF banana fudge supreme jello pudding cup D: ? S: EAS Shake or a latte depending on how late we stay out. Without dinner and snack... cals 485, fats 21, carbs 35, protein 52 Will eat meat and veggies for dinner or a salad with protein and then with the shake/latte that should get me close to 1000. How did you do today?
on 11/9/07 10:18 am - Spokane, WA
Hope your dinner is good, very smart of you bringing your own bbq sauce and salad dressing! Ate pretty well today to try to stave off the emotional eating (that and getting out of the house helped...not around the food to get into!). Just have to get through the rest of the evening now. No exercise today, I should have too as it might have helped improve my mood. Here's the intake: 1) cottage cheese pancake w/sf blueberry topping (Polaner, yummy stuff!) --nf, sf soy latte 2) 1 cup strawberries, 1 oat-wheat pumpkin muffin, 1/2 cup nf cottage cheese (this was sort of a graze...the strawberries were first and then the muffin/cottage cheese) 3) 3 servings of a really bad sf, non-gluten brownie I made...equalled about the same calories as one Ka****rail mix bar 4) 1/2 cup egg beaters, 1 frigo cheese stick, 10 oriental rice crackers 5) nsa ice cream bar calories: 742, carbs: 103, fats: 14, protein: 53 Looking at those numbers I'd say i should eat a piece of cheese or something to bump up the fat and protein. 11 months ago that wouldn't have been a problem, now it is a mental problem.
on 11/9/07 3:57 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi Molly! Sorry to hear about not feeling good (the mood you mentioned) today.. I hope tomorrow finds you better. Ok I have totally been searching for SF blueberry syrup! Please give me info on that if yu don't mind, I am dying to know! Do you like it better than SF maple? Ok gotta share my news!!! We had a change of plans and actually ended up driving up to Rochester, MN instead to get our wedding rings checked and mine resized (I am hoping I am not jumping the gun getting it sized now!) Anyway.. I was 8.5 before surgery and now I am.. drumroll.................. a FIVE! Omg.. I lose 3.5 ring sizes! HOLY COW! Then I went jean shopping.. can you tell I have an obsession with jeans? I love them now.. I went to the Gap.. I thought ok.. whatever size I fit into here is really my size.. I got into a 4 with even a bit of room to spare.. amazing. I won't spend those prices yet (I will ask hubs for my bday to maybe get me some) So I went to JcPenny (they have ALL their jeans on sale right now!!) I got Levis.. 515's (whatever those are!) for 30 bucks instead of 44, bootcut.. so darn cute! I also fit into a 4 and tried on many others and the 4's all fit.. just maybe too long etc.. OMG a 4 is my size! I am just crying tears over this! So I call my mom to tell her.. Molly there is no longer words of praise or excitement from her.. only concern.. sigh. She says soon I will have to order my sizes from a catalog b/c I am so small (rolleyes) and that I really need to get a handle on this.. she thinks I have become mental with it.. can't say that isn't true either but at the same time.. sigh they didn't like you large now they don't like u this small, do you ever win? I am overjoyed.. then I told her "oh mom the Gap has size zero.. I am far from that size.." There was a long pause on the phone.. she wasn't thrilled.. ooops. What do ya do? i am gonna have issues this thanksgiving and christmas going home.. wish I didn't have this added stress. Ok and last thing.. we went to Barnes and Nobel. I picked up the book Mindless eating and Susan Marias Before and After book, I am excited to read them plus they have some great recipes and I will share if I try any and like them.. plus i read a entire section on dealing with others telling you that you are getting too thin.. it eased my mind a lot. It did say in there repeatedly that to lose you need 1000-1200 calories and to maintain 1200-1500. I found that interesting. I am always near 1000 but my calcium chews and sugarless gum always add another 75 or so.. do u count it? Ok one more thing.. sorry so excited tonight! I thought of you tonight Molly. At Starbucks (in barnes and noble) I tried thier Christmas blend black tea.. OMG SOOOOOO GOOD! I love it. Even my husband loves it and he is not a tea lover at all. We got home and he begged me to make him a cup. I put a little splenda in it and yum.. quite pricey though.. 20 bags gives you a double size cup (16 oz) so I guess it really makes 40 cups.. 7.85ish I believe it cost.. but wow is it good and the new SF gingerbread is to die for! Ok enough rambling.. *hugs*
on 11/10/07 12:51 am - Spokane, WA
Hi Melissa, Big hugs for you! First here's the link to the topping info: http://www.bgfoods.com/polaner/p_sf_toppings.asp I get mine in the ice cream toppings area at the military commissary but it should show up there in a regular store too. No sugar alcohols listed and 20 cals. per 2 tablespoons. Very tasty! Yes, I like it better than sf maple but not just because of taste...I don't get all gassy from it. heehee Wow, congratulations on the size fours!!! That *IS* exciting!!! Sad how those around us are all supportive while we are losing weight until we get close to goal. Then their tunes change. Sigh... You definitely don't need that stress. Keep on getting those jeans highs girlfriend! I wish I could do the same thing but my waist is keeping me from it. I can safely get into a six and have a lot of room in the seat and thighs but the waist is right there. The missing butt is probably a four but there's no jeans that'd fit my waist and butt at the same time. So I am vicariously loving your size four thrills! You keep on going!!! Maybe you have to stop sharing your victories with your mom and start making up little white lies about regaining 10# or something. I do that with people at work and it works just fine. My guess is that it is just going to take some time for them to adjust to what I look like at goal weight and to forget what I looked like before. Given a few more holidays, your family will grow more accustomed to seeing you so happy and healthy at this new weight and it *should* reassure them of how well you are taking care of yourself. If it doesn't....I've got nuthin. One of these days I'll prob. get around to buying the new Susan Maria book but since I have the first one it seems a little silly. There was some recipe they were raving about on her website and nobody was posting it, I gather they just want access to that through the book. (can't remember what it was right now...doh!) No, I don't count small calorie amounts like your calcium chews (or my daily sf chocolates) but I do make sure to REALLY control how many of those I allow myself. Have you seen that sf chocolate on Susan Maria's website...Valor? It is from Spain and the numbers on the back are SCARY! Big old sugar alcohol city! But to a chocoholic, this is grade A stuff and worth one square nibbled throughout the day. Absolutely doesn't taste like sugar free and I'd steer totally clear of it if a person couldn't control themselves around it. My 54-calorie square doesn't get counted but I DO control myself with it so it is a nice reward. But of course, it really does add up in the daily totals and I know it doesn't throw me out of bounds. Trying to be in a better mood, thank you. Guess i'm just having a good, long pout this weekend after such a bad couple of weeks. Getting tired of dh just wallowing in his own pity party and never noticing when anybody else around him is having it tough too. Oh well, that is marriage...there are just times when you don't get your needs met and you have to be a grownup and realize that nobody said it'd be 100% fair. That just isn't life, right? It'll even out eventually. I'm hoping that by Christmas things will settle down for us all. At any rate, it is a very good learning situation for me to learn healthier ways to handle this kind of stress levels. Molly
on 11/9/07 10:22 am - Spokane, WA
Oops, totally forgot one entry! Makes the numbers better on protein and fat anyway. Before I went out shopping I had half a cup of a puree'd pork sloppy joe thing on top of two corn thins (like rice cakes but half the thickness). That brings to totals to this: calories: 934, carbs: 113, fats: 19, protein: 78
Leatha B.
on 11/9/07 11:02 am - beautiful, KY
Hi Melissa, Where do you get sf bbq? And is there a recipe for the pumpkin protein muffins? And are they good? I am excited, my daughter got us tickets to see Paula Deen tomarow in Louisville! She is a hoot and I love her and her dishes! I have been having some good days eating and some not so great days, been trying to get healthy and heal up, still under doctors care, but doing much better. Everyone is doing great on this site, thanks Melissa and Molly for sharing all of your information to us all! And great recipes! Leatha
on 11/9/07 4:45 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi Leatha! The sugar free BBQ sauce that I use is actually KC Masterpiece's Classic Blend. I get it at Super Wal-Mart. It doesn't say "sugar free" on the bottle.. it says "only 10 calories a serving" and "classic blend". It is sweetened with sucralose (splenda) though and wow is it ever great! I have used it since early postop and it is wonderful.. had many bbq'd things summer with it on the grill! As for the pumpkin protein muffins they are a recipe of a girl named Plump Kitty on the RNY board.. Let me copy and paste it here for you! I highly suggest you top it with the "frosting" which is a mixture of FF cream cheese, vanilla or maple extract and splenda all mixed to taste.. gives it that perfect "something" as a topping! They do end up being more a heavy dense pie/cake.. so don't freak out if the texture wasn't what you were expecting.. it has the texture of pie/cake together. *hugs* here is the recipe: Pumpkin Protein Muffin Pies Ingredients: 22 Fl oz can pure pumpkin 6 scoops vanilla protein powder (mine has 110 cals, 21 protein per scoop) 12 oz can evaporated skim milk 6 large eggs or egg substitute equivilent 3/4 cup sugar twin brown sugar substitute 1 tbsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp ginger 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp nutmeg Directions: Preheat oven to 400. Mix sugar and spices in a small bowl, set aside. Lightly whip 6 eggs in a large bowl, add in pumpkin and mix thoroughly before sprinkling in sugar mix. Blend protein powder and milk in a separate bowl with a hand mixer, then add to the pumpkin bowl mixing well before filling 18 lightly greased muffin tins (I use the Pam with flour cooking spray, the regular doesn't work and they will stick). Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 300 and cook for 40 - 50 minutes (I have a gas stove and took it out after 30 mins). Pies are cooked when a knife is inserted into the middle and comes out clean. Once cool, top with light whipping cream if you wish. Store in refrigerator, do no freeze. Makes 18 servings. Using egg substitute in place of eggs the nutritional stats are as follows: Cals 84, fats, 3, carbs 6, protein 12. Enjoy!
on 11/10/07 12:28 am - Spokane, WA
Leatha, love the new avatar! So cute!!!! I have to chime in on the pumpkin protein muffins. I have a set of those new silicone muffin pan liners and use them when making this recipe. It just takes a spray of Pam and then when they cool they pop right out cleanly. Plus, I do freeze mine and they thaw beautifully. This *is* a totally different texture...very dense which suits my pouch just fine! It is not so dense that it gets stuck and smooth enough that it tastes like it is a slider and isn't. For work I put two of on the cutting board and divide into four pieces each and then put in a baggie and I snack on them during the morning. One piece satisfies me for a good 15 minutes. Since I'm on the sales floor I don't have the option of having a topping on mine, I just hold the baggie up so that my hands don't touch the food and get moist. I'd say that the worst thing about my little routine here is that it messes with my fluid intake (no fluids while I'm eating this!) and technically this is grazing. Well, those are tradeoffs I make for the good hunger control and quality protein. Molly
on 11/10/07 1:25 am - Northwood, IA
Hey Molly, good suggestions, I am going to put the liners on my wish list.. twice now the muffins have stuck Then I have to soak the darn pan forever to get it clean! I found if I used the dark metal pans it was even worse.. so I stick to the lighter metal and floured Pam spray (which I hate to use b/c of the flour but I figure its minute) but I will ask for these silicone liners definently for Christmas! *hugs*
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