LF Crock Pot Potato Soup Recipe?
Potatoes don't cross my lips anymore, sorry. But I can think of how you could do it based on how I used to make potato soup. I always started with my potatoes cut up in two sizes....very fine dice and medium chunks. The fine dice will cook down faster and thicken the soup by the time the chunks finish. I'd use a can or two of low-fat or fat free chicken stock for liquid...how much depends on how large a batch you make. Sorry, this is more of a method than a recipe but then I'd sautee some onions and celery...that can be done in a teflon pan with a spritz of Pam to keep the fat low. When they are soft then add them to the potatoes/stock mixture. When the potatoes are finished and the soup is very thick add a can of fat free evaporated (not condensed) milk. In a frying pan, sautee turkey bacon till crisp, put it on paper towel to absorb any fat then crumble and add to the soup at the end of cooking time. All it should need then would be some salt, pepper, powdered garlic maybe for seasoning and you have a very simple hearty potato soup with low fat. To 'pretty it up' add a nice sprinkling of dried or fresh chopped parsley on top.
There are a lot of my old recipes that I still make for the family because I know I can resist then but potato soup isn't one...I KNOW that if it were around I'd be sneaking a spoon here and there.
This is definitely soup weather time!
I want to work where YOU work! We have nice potlucks at our warehouse once a month but I'm the only one bringing healthy choices. Most times if anybody brings a treat to share it is nearly always donuts. BOR - ING !
Just how cold is it getting there tomorrow? Are we talking the four-letter 'S' word here or just some frost?
Ah, I see...it is just getting comfortable there, huh? LOL It has been down in the 20's here at night already. I've been wearing a coat to work now for the past month and a half. (I go to work at o-dark-thirty)
It's in the 50's here today and I feel guilty that I'm not out there working in the yard while the temps are still so high. heehee
Hey Ya'll!
I was reading the posts... and I am jealous of all ya'll. It's been in the high 80's lately after our first northern blew in about two weeks ago. It usually get down into the high 50's late at night if the sky is clear. Halloween was actually pleasant - not hot and muggy. However that was the night it started to warm up again.
I know ya'll think I'm crazy, but after a year in Minnesota (graduated in Edina in '85) I have always wanted to live somewhere that had seasons vs. summer and spring
As to potato soup - I used to add cheese to my recipe. Maybe you could use a lf version?
We're supposed to have a cold snap today - so far it's still about 85 outside...
Take Care!!