ok December family. I have decided that I am going to run a marathon. I cannot imagine the feeling of success and accomplishment after running a marathon when I was once 261lbs. I think this would be one of the biggest highlights of my life and something to be proud of. I am beginning my training for next fall. I would love it if some of you joined with me to train and run a marathon next fall as well. This would also be a great way to get rid of the few extra pounds that we are all struggling to get off.
What do you think?? Are you in?? ~ Terisa
Hey Terisa! How wonderful!!!!!! Ya know this would make me jump from my seat with excitement! I love jogging/running. However I am gonna start small with a 5k on Thanksgiving (which may end up being a run/brisk walk thing b/c my family may join me) and start there.. we will see if I go for the 10k later though. You are really inspiring and I think its awesome! Way to go girl!
I am going to do a 5k here in town in the spring. I have not decided if I am doing the 13 mile or 26 mile next fall. I would LOVE to do the 26 mile, but will have to see where I am at that point. Either way, 13 is still a major accomplishment considering at 261 I could not even go half a mile. A friend of mine has lost a lot of weight running and he wants me to go to FL with him for one. I don't think I'll do that. There are plenty closer to me. He is a single guy, easier for him. I hope to find someone to run with, but if not I am still gonna do it.
Thanks for the compliment, but I am no more inspiring that everyone else on this board. There are just some awesoe people on this forum and I draw so much strength for each one. ~ Terisa
A marathon??? A marathon! A MARATHON marathon? A 26+ mile marathon... THAT kind of marathon? HOLY ROCKIN' MOLY!
OK, let me do the math... I walk, roughly, 8.4 miles a week. That means it would take me, roughly, three weeks to complete.
So.... now I have a few questions...
(1) Will there be those people along the course that hand you dixie cups full of ice water for the entire three weeks?
(2) Will they keep the baracades up until I go past so I don't get whacked by a wayward cab driver 10 days into the trip?
(C) Does the the big digital clock over the finish line account for days and weeks?
Just joking!
Seriously, tho... That's a huge goal, but if you're planning on doing it next fall, you've certainly got time. So I'm behind you all the way (as, naturally, I would be if I walked). And if you need someone to hand you little dixie cups of water, I'm yer man!!!
Cheers, TY... GO GETTUM!!!

I have been thinking of jogging a 5K in the spring!!!!! I have walked them in the past, but never jogged, and now that I can, I want to do it!!!! Any nationwide Obesity Awareness walks or 5Ks, or marathons anyone is aware of???
I pray they become more frequent and publicized as WLS is more readily utilized and accepted.
I wish you the best, and I am so psyched to do this! I have been getting pointers from my Minnesota WLS board on types of shoes and clothes to buy to be properly outfitted for the winter so I can keep on truckin in the cold weather months!!!
I am so excited that you will do one too. I want to do a 5k in the spring. Start out a little slow and do a 13 mile in the fall. Please share your knowledge about the shoes and stuff. I have painful arthritis in my left ankle so any help would be appreciated. I am not away of any wls marathons. I just reviewing the list of marathons and do not remember any like this, but then again I was searching mainly for ones in the near vicinity of me. If I happen to find one I will be sure to let you know! ~ Terisa
Terisa, looks like you are having trouble finding a running partner here. And I'm not it either. LOL I WILL, however...commit to doing our local 10k race here next spring for sure! Training for that begins in late winter, our whole town gets in on the action. I was very proud of myself for doing it this year but had a hard time just walking it and would like to be in better shape next year to be able to run it. You have an excellent goal in mind for doing your marathon and I will definitely sign up to be a cheerleader for you. If it feels like it will be a great accomplishment to you and something that will give you tremendous pride then you go for it! You can do it!!!