I'm hungry more often now
Hi all. I've lost 148 pounds so far and am very happy about the weight loss. I've noticed lately though that I am hungrier than I've been in the past since my surgery. When I finally sit down to eat I can eat 2 or 3 mouthfuls and then start filling up fast. Then about an half hour later I'm hungry again. Does anyone have this problem or is it me? My weigh loss has slowed down quite a bit now. I have about 15 more pounds to lose and yet my weight keeps fluctuating up and down a pound or two. I've been spoiled because the weight had been coming off quickly.
Hope everyone is well and I really enjoy this forum.
Hi Kathi,
How slow are you eating? If you are eating really quick a few mouthful would fill any of us up I would think. I think there is a fine line on how quick we should eat.. we wanna eat in 15-20 mins (per the pouch rules for dummies) or after that we are grazing but then we don't wanna eat so fast that we are full on 2-3 bites either. I honestly haven't been full on that little amount in a very long time but I tend to be different than most in that way so don't compare to me.
As for the bouncing in the weight.. tell me about it! I do think that once we get to a point our bodies like.. it starts to do this. It is hard on me mentally also b/c I have lost great the whole way down also.. I am down 136-137 pounds depending on the day and it just suddenly stopped cold in its tracks after losing a ton the month prior like I was was worried I wouldn't stop losing then BAM.. its over.. or I am plateaued or something. Of course I am 3-4 lbs from my goal so this is rough but I hope to make it someday. Just keep following the rules and exercising and it should keep going but much slower at this point. I have heard over and over that the last 15-20 lbs for WLS patients is the hardest. They weren't kidding. *hugs*
I'd listen to petite little Melissa, if I were you Kathi. She knows from whence she speaks...
The first thing that concerns me is that you used the word "mouthfuls"... You probably should never get a whole "mouthful" inside your mouth. I usually try to envision an amount equal to the end of my thumb, first knuckle to tip, side to side. about a teaspoon full. Spread it around in your mouth so that all those little tastebuds get to play in the reindeer games. Chew it up really good (unless it's soup, I guess - that could get messy). And once it's a consistency that would make someone vomit a little in their mouth if they saw it, swallow. Then, put your feeding tool (or utensil) down - unless you're eating with your fingers - then you should just fold your hands in your lap. Focus on the food sliding down your gullet and take a moment to think about how good the next bite is going to taste. Then, once you've done all that, pick up your tool and get busy with the next "thumb-full". And, as they say in the shampoo business, "rinse and repeat". I have a feeling that you'll get a full "meal" in before you start to feel like you're "filling up". Then STOP!!! Even if you've still got more food on your plate - STOP. Even if your mother is there insisting that you need to eat because there are children going hungry somewhere in the world - STOP. Feed the rest to the dog... or feed the rest to your significant other... or put the rest of the food in a plastic lined cardboard box, call UPS and ship it to the children that your mother always talks about.
Try this for a couple of days and then get back to us to let us know how you're doing, inquiring minds wanna know!
Good luck, we'll be thinkin' boutchew...
This thread has so much good information in it that I have just bookmarked it to save for future reading. Thank you, Steve for taking the time to write all that out. It is stuff we all know and have maybe just forgot to practice. For me the part about putting down your utensil and putting your hands in your lap was very meaningful. !!! When I was an early post-op I was knitting a row in between each 'bite'. I still use my baby utensils to control the amount that goes in my mouth but I have been shovelling it in way too fast and will try to remember to put the utensil D O W N. I do try to always throw out the extra on my plate if I go past 20 minutes. If it is in the fridge I am too tempted to go back to it 'because I already charged my daily budget for it'. How stooopid!
Thank you!!!
Oh wise AND handsome One!

Check out the new picture that I just posted on my blog...
The spoon on the left is a teaspoon,
The SPORK in the middle is what I use to eat fork-related foods.
The mini-spoon on the right is what I use to eat spoon-related foods.
But I'm not allowed to call them "baby utensils" because I'm a guy...
Whaddya think about them apples?
Hi Guys. Thanks for your help with my hunger problem. Ya know you're right. I get so hungry sometimes that I can't get the food into my mouth fast enough. That's been my problem all my "fat" life. I cram the food in. Now that I think about it cramming the food in now only fills my pouch quicker and causes a much filled feeling. I guess I have to be more aware of how I'm eating and go slow. I'll try to be mindful of this and I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again.