Air Up There!
Hi Everyone,
Long Beach's coffeehouse was Saturday and everyone always takes a lot of pictures. Lori C. took a full-length one of me and I noticed I could see air between my legs all the way up to my crotch. I wish I knew when it happened, but I don't. I think it's funny what and when I notice the big changes to my body.
What about you?

Two questions listed alpha-numerically-
A - Where are the pics? Won't you post them so we can see?
2 - What's the big deal? All I have to do is have chili and there's PLENTY of air between MY legs...
(or is that too... um... MAN of me?)
Jus jokin' - GOOD FOR YOU, NANCY!!!
When one of us WOWs, we all WOW!!!

Hi Steven,
Right now the photo is on Lori C's home page. You can find it at BeautyFromAshes. Lori is now 2 1/4 years out and she is still my angel. I tried on her size 10 jeans yesterday asnd they fit. Unbelievable!
And about that air, I certainly have more of it now than I did before and I don't even have to eat chili!
Yea us,
(deactivated member)
on 10/29/07 11:26 pm
on 10/29/07 11:26 pm
Congrats, Nancy! Great that you're becoming so shapely in jeans. It's a big deal! How many times did you dread going shopping for jeans before WLS? I did a lot.
Now that clothes are fitting properly and more styles are available to you, go for it.
I'm not where you are yet, but it's good to know that it's a possibility for me too.
Thanks for sharing!