Halloween Party
Went to my first post surgery Halloween party and everything went pretty good. I did great with my food choices, stuck to the turkey and ham slices, no bun and some cheese. I did, however, indulge in some alcholoic beverages. I am a huge fan of tequila and I did a handful of shots. Overall, I feel pretty good about everything. I know alcohol is a no-no for many surgeons, but I feel that once in a while is O.K.
I did look pretty good in my costume, if I do say so myself.
Check my profile for a couple pictures and let me know what you think.

Cough*naughtynurse*cough ... I'm a nurse, but not that naughty.. I think my husband wishes I'd live the roll a little better..
You looked awesome in your costume and your family is so adorable. You are gleaming in your pictures Amy and you should be. I am glad you had a great time and were able to balance out your choices in a way that makes you feel human yet in control. Good job!!

Amy you look kick ass!!! Love the legs!! being tall has it's advantages. You look hot mama!
Your kids are way cute. Question for you.... shots how does your pouch do with that???
I can tolerate vodka and rum, haven't tested the waters on anything else yet, but that is with OJ and lots of ice. I had coconut rum and OJ in the blender last night with ice, heavenly.
I swear I get buzzed within like 5 min. it stays for a while then it goes away. I only drink like once a month.
Well once again you look fantastic love the color of your hair.
Hugs, Erin
Thank you, I felt kick ass last night. Especially with the 3 inch heels I had on.
The shots definitely gave me a good buzz. I had no adverse reactions pouch wise, but definitely not something I will do every week, just an occasional thing. The buzz did not last an extremely long time, but kind of wore off slowly. It was enough to keep me from driving, but not enough to keep me from having "fun" after the kids were asleep.