Anyone else stalling in month 10?
Very true Maghan, I think I am holding on to water so of course munching a tad more than usual and seeing that gain makes me STRESS OUT! PMS horror for me.. I get my mind so focused on losing that when I see gains (b/c I did go over my cals a couple days) I feel I am getting punished but I know I didn't eat 3500 cals OVER my maintain cal level to gain a pound ya know? So it has to be water but I get so mind warped over it! I don't think Tuesdays weigh in will be the best oh well... Melissa get over it. I know what you mean look how far we have come, it is incredible but my fear of going back keeps me going nuts. Thanks for the reminder though! I need to be told this from time to time to keep it in perspective!
Well, I didn't move much in month 9, then month 10 hit, and with a wee bit of stress here in RL, I went from 167 at the beginning of the month to 156. I lost 7 lbs over 3 days. And its still not come back. Talk about freaky. I didn't even do that as a new post-op.
But it does get frustrating to stall. Hang in there, Melissa. Month 9 about had me ready to shoot something. *shrugs* Then my husband does something stupid, and i lose 7 lbs over it. LOL Not that I recommend that for anyone.

Wowee!! Look at you! I am so jealous, 7 pounds in 3 days!!!!! Oh my that would put me at goal, whatever your husband did, he needs to do it to me!!!
ok that didn't come out just right! Haha.. well I hope to get past this stall and rut I am in. I literally go up and down the same 2-3 pounds now for 2 weeks basically ever since I went to KC.. its been killer for me. Have I been the bet with my eating? Was doing great the week I got back and then this week PMS week is absolutely killing me.. I truly hate hate hate hormones i just isnt' fair. Talk about me being afraid to get pregnant. I know you want to get pregnant about the time I was thinking about it and aren't you scared some b/c of this? Argh.. if its like this daily as a pregnant person I will be totally doomed. I have such willpower except for those 3-5 days I PMS. But then as soon as Aunt Flo comes all is good and I feel so relived to have those munchies go away. I always worry that it won't go away but it always does. ARGH! You are doing great.. I miss seeing you around on here but know you are one busy girl! Keep us posted on your progress and sorry to vent my struggles!

Yeah, was hoping to start working on pregnancy at 12-14 months, had already talked to my PA about it. She says if I'm close to goal by then, and it's a slower weight loss, which it was until idiot DH did this "thing" this week, that I could go ahead and start with her blessing.
I'm just not liking this last 10 lbs that have to go. I wish I could convince them to pack up off my rump and take off. Just my rump.. but unfortunately, I think they will be leaving from my ever deflating self-floatation devices.

I'll tell you guys, since we're close after all these months together. He's been suffering from what I think is depression (all the signs and symptoms) and had a weak moment, where he got too friendly with another female online. And I caught him. So, it's thrown me a big loop. Just as I'm finally all energy, feeling good, ready to start on pregnancy, the love of my life tells me he's not happy, and it's not me, I look better than when we were married 4 years ago. But he doesn't know what he wants.
Stupid males! ARGH!! Well, we're going to the doctor tomorrow to see if he is suffering from depression (can't sleep/sleeps too long, doesn't want to set goals/feels hopeless, guilt (about not being a good provider), loss of appetite, lost of interest in normal every day activities).. then we're starting couples counseling, so the dear man can learn to express himself better, or I'm going to use a cast iron skillet on his skull. Just kidding.. well, maybe.. okay yeah, kidding.. no.. umm.. LOL
But it upset me so bad, I didn't realize I'd not had anything to eat since Tues morning last week (packet of oatmeal), when this all came out, until Friday afternoon when he realized I hadn't been eating and marched me over to get a chicken fajita pita to pick apart, while we sat and talked at lunch. Hence, lost 7lbs in 3 days.
Oh, and I hit the century mark in the process, and went from a size 16 jean to size 12. So if it wasn't for the constant wanting to tear up and bawl, it'd all be good.
*hugs* Thanks Melissa and Ro for asking. I believe God doesn't give us more than we can handle, but he's definitely pushing me at the moment.
Oh Wow Heather... Bless your heart, you have a lot on your plate with all of this. I have went through something similar with an ex once and I just felt so lost, hurt, abandoned and took it so personal so I can imagine all the emotions you are feeling right now. I think going to a doctor to help him sort out his own issues/feelings is a great thing and will help him all sort it out. I wonder how old he is.. is he having that midlife thing that men go trough sometimes??? Steve on here might be able to give you some insight as he is of the male gender.. I hear of men in their 30's doing this though.. ugh my husband isn't even 30 yet. I have a bit of a younger man just by almost 2 years. I hope you can get this all sorted out and I know this wasn't easy for you to share with us Heather but thank you for feeling that you can. We do care about you and your wellbeing and hope it all works out for the best which I am sure it will, sounds like you are communicating about it well. Make sure you take care of you girlie.. I am here for you and you know you can always call me too, I am very easy to talk to and a very good listener. I would love to lend an ear if you need one.
I am praying and thinking of you.... (((((HUGS)))))) Melissa
(deactivated member)
on 10/21/07 10:26 am
on 10/21/07 10:26 am
Hi, All! Not a stall problem here, as I loathe the scale so much that I wouldn't know day-to-day or even week-to-week sometimes. My clothes keep fitting better so I'm happy with that success. I am wearing a size 12 jean and weigh about 160 lbs. My Nutritionist said that my revised goal is 150 +/- lbs with the understanding that I am to increase my calorie intake over the next 2 months to reach that number. I find it very interesting that most of our Dec members are taller than I am at 5' 1.5" and have been given lower goals. I realize that everyone is different and that I am also older at nearly 51-years-old. The common feeling that I can relate to is the bounce back weight... usually 10% I have heard from others. 165 lbs just seems too high for my height. BTW, my nutritionist explained that weight loss slows because we have less to lose, which you've heard many times, I sure. He used 10% per month loses in his example. Once goal is neared the fluctuations should be seen as normal and minor, as long as supplements, nutritious food, and exercise are still in place.