At the request of ma...
Thank you
It is always nice to know someone is thinking of you.
Things are going well. Emily is doing great at her dad's and is really maturing. Even though she missed half of the 6 week marking period she got almost all A+'s and a couple B+'s. They are all college prep classes too. She has worked very hard to straighten her life and it is really showing. I am so proud of her and so happy to have my daughter back. So, I know how the pregnancy is going, how is everything else?
Terisa P.S. I know I told you I loved you new avatar, but you really do look beautiful in that picture.

REAL men love the look of a pregnant woman... you can be sure that many of the men that catch a glimps of you are appreciating what they see. And as time goes on, you become more and more beautiful. And I'm sure that the full length photo would show that motherly glow you've most certainly got now! Appreciate this time because it goes by all too quickly. Look at yourself in mirrors as often as you can and fill that photo album up with pictures of yourself - you'll appreciate my advice later!!!