Family Visit
Got to see my family this weekend. It was a bit unplanned, my Aunt Connie passed away, so me and my cousin, Trey, who's three weeks post-op, made a flying round trip to Los Angeles Thursday night for the Friday memorial services.
I always marvel at my family. There is a ton of us, big Irish clan that we are. And not a single Aunt, cousin, 2nd or 3rd cousin, didn't comment on how proud they were of me and Trey, and how well we were doing. Everyone was just great.
I wish I could loan my family out to those of you that have been having "envy" issues recently with your families.
Other than the little bit of sadness, as I sat on my mom and dad's headstone, after my Aunt Connie's memorial, and told my mom to knock it off, she had enough relatives to keep her company for a bit, it was a really, really good trip.
I have TWO lbs to go, until I hit 160, which is 100 lbs gone from surgery, and 121 lbs from highest weight. Then I'm 15 lbs from goal. Just wonder if I'll make it by 12 months. *shrugs* Hoping so, work is slowly getting back to normal hours, where I'm not working 10-12 hour days, plus a weekend day, if not both. So, hoping to actually start walking or riding the bike again.
Anyways, just wanted to post about what a "darling" my family was as a whole. And almost half of them are overweight, and not a catty comment was made by anyone. Sometimes you just have to feel blessed. Even though I had to keep pulling my jeans up! I should have bought the next smaller size, but I hate being bound at the waist. LOL

Heather, I'm so sorry you got to see your family under sad cir****tances. It would have been much nicer to be at a wedding or a birthday party. Seems, like you...we get to this point in life and funerals, weddings and the occasional birthday party are the only times my extended family gets together. It was good of you to check in with your Mom and Dad and tell them enough was enough for now. At least you know there is getting to be a nice arrival committee waiting on the other side.
How sweet your family was, they sound like real gems. Definitely a blessing, just like you said. You have done so well and worked so hard and now you are only two pounds away from the century club of surgery...CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a goal I have had to let go for myself and am just contented with having lost more than 100# from my highest weight.
I bet you WILL make it by your surgiversary! That additional exercising, whenever you are able to work it in will really help. Determination will be kicking in for most of us as we come up on this big anniversary. I got a lot of flack from coworkers about the wisdom of having surgery in December but now that I see the anniversary date looming ahead it is even more motivation to keep on track and have a good weigh-in that month. It will make Halloween and Thanksgiving a lot easier.
Thank you so much for sharing your good news with us, but I'm still sorry it took the loss of a dear aunt in order to get to see your family. Hope that you have many, many happy memories of her. HUGS!!
I am sorry about your Aunt.... and let you know what a lucky lady you are to have a loving and supportive family!
Ya know, if you dont meet the 15lbs by 12 months-- that is ok too! you have done so well thus far...just think were you were last year at this time and now 160 ! holy cow.....
Hope you have a great week!