What did ya eat and how did ya move today? - Thursday
Hey Gang! Sorry I am late, had a busy day today. Followed up with my PCP and all looks good! Then went to eat with a couple friends of mine then did some interviewing at work then hit the gym.. where did the day go? Anyway these are my damages for today, hope you all had a good day!
B: 1 cup Special K protein cereal with 1/3 cup frozen (thawed) blueberries and 1/4 cup light vanilla soy milk.
L: At applebees, got the chicken confetti. 3 oz chicken with small amount of cheese, few black beans (like 5 lol) with some diced onions and stuff on top. No rice.. had them hold that and had about 1/2 cup of steamed broccoli.
S: Preworkout - Atkins Peanut Butter Granola Protein Bar
D: 3 oz of butterfly pork chop marinated in low fat newmans sesame dressing and garlic. A greek salad on the side with a smidge of feta, cukes, onion and romaine with FF italian dressing.
S: Cafe Caramel Shake
I ran 2 miles on the treadmill on a small incline then did 30 mins of circuit training. Ran into a friend and chatted for 20 mins so no ab work today, which is fine, I am still sore from the other day.
How did you do today?
Hi Saw your other post earlier but didnt get a chance to come back and post eats till now and you've already done it. Am sitting here shaking, waiting for my food to enter my bloodstream. Waited too long and did too much work without eating, big mistake.
Long day at work today, lots and lots of good exercise. Did a little power shopping after work today for some sewing notions and healthy food so I got in extra walking there too. Came home and started cleaning the kitchen then moved to patio and yard work. When I started getting shaky and lightheaded I figured it was time to eat. Have managed to eat a lot today as usual and once again the carbs are sky-high. Sigh... I think that on days when I have a homemade protein bar I must not have another high-carb snack like that popcorn.
-- sf, nf caramel macchiato (trying something different today)
1) homemade pumpkin protein bar
2) 1 serving slice homemade veggie frittatta
3) 1 serving homemade broccoli soup, 1 mini PK's pumpkin protein muffin
4) another mini PK's pumpkin protein muffin, 1/2 small banana, 1 rice cake
5) 1 mini bag popcorn
6) 1 serving zucchini lasagne, 1/2 cup nf cottage cheese
calories: 1081, carbs: 135, fat: 24, protein: 84
I did so well and i planned for my night out for my dads birthday......so i dont know how things went awry!
B: Protein Bar
L: 1/2 c Tuna
D: Mexican Restaurant
4oz chicken breast (topped with chili con carne)
4 or 5 tortilla chips
Total:60 cal 17 fat 32 carbs 76 protein (that is estimating the chili sauce as best i could)
When i got home i LOST MY MIND!
S: 30 grapes & A whole bunch of Kashi Heart to Heart Cereal, straight out of the box so i had to estimate. My "snack" brought me to a Grand total:
853 Calories 20 fat 91 carbs and 83 protein
After that kind of food --i could not even think about moving....so to top it off I did not exercise at all! First Skip Day for the week.........
Hey Dawn, ya know what though? Your overall totals are not *THAT* bad.. carbs a bit high but otherwise I think you are more in the "ballpark" to where you should be, but that is my opinion lol.. im not a doctor or a nut. Don't worry about it, bru**** off and move on. I am learning more and more that one episode is all it is "an episode", look how good we do the majority of the time! That is what really matters, I have always been so hard on myself. I am actually going to set up an appointment to see a therapist that deal with WLS patients here soon. I think it will help me manage the "all or nothing" mentality that I have or the need to be so perfectionist. We are human, we will make 'mistakes' and sometimes they are more of a mistake in our own minds then they are from others looking in.. does that make sense? I think you did great yesterday.. really not bad at all, today lets promise eachother we are both gonna move ok? I will check in with ya later. Have a good Friday. *hugs*
oh Melissa.....it is funny that you say that........."all or nothing" mentality. It is that dichotomy that i suffer with too. Many years ago i went to a therapist (after the first time i decided to have wls 6-7 years ago) and he told me that things are not always BLACK or WHITE....GOOD or BAD......i still struggle with that too.......funny how many things we all have in common......and thank you for reminding me of that ! My non WLS friends sometimes have to talk me down from that way of thinking too........
I have already planned my moving for today....i have a "party" to go to tonight at 7pm BUT i told DH that i was going home from work (we leave at 4) and i was going to work out.....i will shower and do whatever i need to do but i will not compromise that.....it is NOT NEGOTIABLE.......plus i cannot skip 2 days in a row cuz that will put me into a funk....i am afraid that i would never go back to exercising......(all or nothing ya know)
Hugs my friend....have a great weekend
Yep, the "all or nothing" was my way of life preop and that is why I still get scared now as a postop. Preop Id go on a diet for 9 months and do fabulous, lose 100 lbs no cheating no nothing, get a to weight that was "acceptable" of 210 lbs (in my book acceptatble) then I'd let go. Let go 100%. I never hope I do this again..but it is my fear and why I don't really test the waters so much. I am scared to eat sugar, find out I don't dump and allow myself to eat it again. where is the happy medium in that though? I donno.. mine is eating SF things, it works for me. I don't mind them and I don't feel deprived so I spose my method is ok.
Good job setting a goal for yourself today. I am the same way, I don't exercise for 2 days in row (other than when I am working) and you are right.. here comes non exercise funk time. Way to be observant to that and stay on the plan! You go girl! Have fun at your party tonight! Enjoy the mingling and socializing.. I do more and more now.
I am sorry, but I don't have the counts for all the stuff I ate - but I wanted to post because of how I moved...
B: Protein shake (no sugar, no carbs) made with decaf/ s/f int'l coffee pwdr
Snk 1: 4 lw ft Ritz crackers with pnt btr & s/f apricot jelly
L: 2/3 Grilled Chicken club sandwich (without 1/2 the bread) from Chick fil A
Snk 2: bag of Doritos (yes I know - I told I am getting better, I'm not CURED
D: Chicken quesadilla (ww lo carb tortilla, with wht mt fajitas, cheese & paces picante)
approx 48 oz fluid all day
I haven't been really good with the exercise since day one - I have a gym membership, but I don't like going by myself.
ANYWAY, I just decided last week that I would just walk around the block everyday Right when I got home. I have my tennis and work out clothes set out, and I have a book on tape to listen to - no excuses! Instead of walking the block I took off and ended up walking about 2 miles on the walking path near my house!!! I vary my path so I don't get bored and I am really loving the time outside. I even have my husband joining me on occassion.
A funny story:
On Wednesday my day is full until about 10:30 at night (work, bible study, praise team practice, son's homework, etc.) so I figured walking wasn't going to happen until late that night. Which I was bummed about because I know myself and I KNEW I wasn't going to want to walk when I finally got home.
The funny part: as we are driving home, the car sputters and stops - I have run out of gas (I am notorious about this kind of thing).
The nearest gas station is a BRISK 2 MILE WALK ROUNDTRIP! Can you stand it??? My son wasn't thrilled (he hates to exercise) but I was totally jazzed because I got to get my exercise in and not miss a day!!!
Talk to ya'll soon!