5-day Pouch Test...day 3
I have been doing the 5 day pouch test that Melissa posted a couple weeks ago and I have to say it's working. I have done 2 days of liquids and today I have added tuna, canned chicken and had boiled eggs. Anytime I eat I can feel fulness in pouchie, something I have not been feeling for a few months now. It makes me slow down and realize I was eating to much and I also am not craving those icky carbs.
I will admit that the first 2 liquid days were hard, but in the end it'll be worth it. I definitely recommend it, if you feel the need to go back to basics.
As an added bonus I have lost 4 pounds in the 3 days I have been on it.
Wow, Amy! You are doing great! Thank you for keeping us updated on how this is working out for you. I am surprised that you aren't craving carbs so soon. Seems like it took me a very long time to 'detox' from the carbs when I was freshly post-op. That you are not craving them so quickly is really encouraging.
Keep up the good work and congratulations on the four pounds lost!
I did stick out and felt pretty proud of myself. My only falter was 1 Hershy Kiss on Friday. Tomorrows weigh in will tell if it did any good. The liquid diet was the hardest part. Luckily for me I seem to have a pouch of steel and can tolerate all kinds of meat so those days were easy.
Thanks for all the support. It has definitely helped.