We're not certain, but will find out on Thursday if I'm having twins. During my prenatal check last week, the nurse practitioner noticed somethings to convince her that I'm having twins, so she's sending me for an ultrasound. The main factor is that while I was 13 weeks pregnant (at the time of exam) my uterus was measuring 21 weeks pregnant. Many things can attribute to this, but most common is a multiple pregnancy. She also said this would account for the severe morning sickness and over all crappy feeling. Please send good thoughts, prayers, wishes, if you can. Having 2 babies at once isn't a terrible thought for me, though it will be more stressful. My concern is the fact that if I didn't know I was pregnant, I'd think I was dying. That's how miserable I am. Also, now having hit the second trimester...I'm having a hard time meeting my nutritional requirements. During the first trimester, I could consume 1200-1300 calories and 80g+ of I'm lucky if I get 800 cals and 60g protein per day. Not to mention trying to get in my liquids...those are averaging 40 oz on a good day. This could also be the reason I have no energy and my entire body hurts!!! I REALLY don't want to have to resort to eating crappy food just to boost my calories!! If anyone has some suggestions on how to boost healthily, I would appreciate any and all input.
Sorry again for my absence here...I've honestly been too wiped out to post. I'm barely getting the kids back and forth to school, and it looks like I'll be dropping out of my classes here. I just can't keep up.
I hope everyone is doing well, I miss you all.

Wow, Shawn! Aw, very big hugs for you!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers so often and I'd hoped you'd be feeling better soon. I'm so sorry you are still struggling with your nutrition and energy levels. Hope that you will let us know what the news is after the Thursday appointment. While I'd be very excited for the news of twins it isn't me who has to carry them.
Can you keep down any protein supplements that have more calories like the body-building types? I'm afraid that I don't have many ideas on getting more calories in and keeping them from being 'crappy' other than turning to supplements. Can you eat foods higher in good fats like salmon? Seems like fat would be a help to you if you could stomach it. I think we need Melissa's help here or maybe someone from the Nut. mb.
Thank you Molly!! I should have been specific about being excited about twins. I'm actually kind of liking the idea, I'm just terribly concerned about the nutrition and well being of the child(ren). Honestly, I have 3 already...what's another 2?? My kids are old enough, I know I'll have plenty of help...or at least I'd better.
I do have at least one protein shake a day, but my surgeon said he'd rather I not rely solely on them. At this point though, I've decided that maybe doubling my scoops and/or have 2 a day would be beneficial. As far as salmon goes...apparently pregnant women shouldn't have more than 6 oz. of salmon, tuna, shrimp, etc. a week due to possible mercury content. I can't eat any white fish because it always sticks...even still.
I will most definitely post the news on Thursday...twins or no twins.
Thanks again (((hugs))) back to you!!

My SIL's are twins and we'd hoped to have twins but I lost one during my first trimester (first pregnancy) so anytime I hear about twins I get excited. Saw a really cute bumper sticker last week: Experience Wildlife/ Raise Twins. I think my MIL would say that was true.
The seafood thing is a total duh...just proves I can't think straight with a migraine. It is so much better today, just lingering achyness. What about peanut butter or soynut butter? Those are high calorie and nutrient dense foods...not to mention they slide down easily! And if worse comes to worse you can always go back to mashed potatoes with something like shredded cheese added in for more calories.
Looking forward to the news tomorrow, either way!
Wow Shawn, I can imagine you are stressed but when I saw it.. I thought wow twins, how fun. I have heard that WLS pts are at an increased risk for twins. I feel doomed b/c my grandma is a twin, my grandpa has cousins that are twins and my husband has cousins that are twins. Argh! I can imagine tho that this all being a surprise in the first place (the pregnancy) and now this is majorly stressful yet I how miraculous it is also! I can't help but be excited for you if it is! I am so sorry tho that you are so miserable and not able to eat much.. I hope that changes b/c u may have two babies to feed. Please try shakes or whatever you can. Hang in there and please let your doc know how you are feeling so they can keep close tabs on you. We love ya Shawn and I am sure in the end it will all work out for the best and there is rainbows ahead.. right now it has to be hard to see that when you feel so lousy. I am so sorry for the way you feel and I hope it changes soon, saying prayers for you.. *hugs* -Melissa Oh btw.. the brown sugar twin I get at Hyvee (a local grocer here.. walmart doesn't have it here). good luck, I hope you find it.
Thank you Melissa. As I just posted to Molly...the idea of twins is kind of exciting to me...I'm just concerned with their well being at this point...single or double. Honestly when she mentioned twins, my husband and I both laughed, though we didn't freak out too much. We've always wanted a large family...though cir****tances aren't ideal...God has his plan, right? Both docs just keep encouraging me, eat what I can, make sure I get my vitamins (which I do) and rest up as much as possible. It's just frustrating trying to actually get the rest when you have 3 other kids, a house to care for, shopping, etc. Dropping my classes is the best thing for me right now, I believe it. I was hesitant to enroll this semester and should have listened to my gut. Thank you for the prayers and hugs, I definitely could use them. And for the tip on the sugar twin...I'll look again locally and see. There are a couple of markets I haven't checked yet.
Hope your week goes well...and I'll be posting tomorrow for sure!!
Hang in there girlie. Life throws us "curve balls" sometimes but in the end those curve balls are usually lifes best blessings, or so I like to think and have noticed that in my own life. You do have tons on your plate and hopefully u are getting help from your husband and other family members as much as they can. Remember those babies ones in and outside the womb need YOU so you need to make sure in some respects you put yourself first WHEN you can. Take care and let me know if u can't find that sugar twin, I would be glad to send u some. *hugs*
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/07 10:56 am
on 10/2/07 10:56 am
Shawneena, Darlin'... Let's wait for Thursday together! We're all here for you and you'll get the right care for you & your babes, if twins are in your future. You sound so upset...wish I could say "the right thing" to make you OK.
Just wanted to say that I'm thinking about you

Ro...thank you! You DID say just the right thing. I will definitely be OK. I'm not so much upset (yet anyway...LOL) as I am concerned. The health of this baby (or babies) has been my concern from the beginning, but I wasn't too worried since I was able to get my nutrition in. Just worried that now that I need "extra" calories in my 2nd trimester, I'm not able to get them in. Hopefully this will be short lived. And like I told Molly...I can double my scoops of protein (or 1 1/2) in my shakes...or add another one in my routine. A plus here is that I still have 50 lbs to goal, so maybe baby(ies) will be able to take from me and still be fine. Probably what scared me the most was when I was with a group of people the other night, they all seemed concerned about how pale I was, and asked about my nutrition intake. I said it was fine, but when I went back and checked, I realized how much I really HAD been lacking.
Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble, and for "holding my hand". I'll update tomorrow with the news.

Wow! Twins...I cannot wait till Thursday.
I am sorry to hear that you are dropping your classes. They are so important, but your health comes first. I remember when I found out I was pregnant a few years ago. I was attending a private college and completly loved it. Then after she was born I was pregnant again 8 weeks later. I had to put off school for a while. I was so upset, but those little ones are worth it. I am taking classes again, but only one class at a time. I could not do full time with the babies.
What does your ob think about how you can boost your energy? What about your surgeon? The good thing is that you are in your second trimester already so you should get some of that energy back. I really hope you can find ways to get in more calories. You certainly need more right now.
Hope we hear from you on Thursday!!