Hi Ya'all
Wow I have been soooo slackin lately. I lurk but have not been able to post. Too much workin
. I posted a new pic but for the life of me still see the same fat me. I dyed my hair to try and see a change but it only works a bit. Well gotta sleep, grats to you all you guys look awesome. I will post more this weekend..... hopefully.
Luv 2 ya'all

SHUT UP are you kidding me! look at the difference! OMG....i totally understand not seeing what others see in the mirror....BUT i am here to tell you GIRL........look at you ! Fantastic! I am not so sure about the psychology of it all......i know what you mean about seeing the same fat you...i see the same in myself. BUT the practical me KNOWS that i have gone down from a 28 to a 14 so i know there has to be a change. Keep that in mind and dont worry about what you "see" remember what the reality MUST be....
PS like the blond too