The 5 Day Pouch Test
Hey all! I am starting this today mainly to break the carb fixes I have been wanting lately.. I hope I can be successful at this.. it won't be easy the first couple of days. Here is the link if you are interested. It has been getting really good feedback on the grad board.
I hate to say I am glad you caved BUT.........I read the pouch test and thought I could never do this now....then I thought *amn that Melissa she is sooo good
You are doing WONDEFUL and you should be sooo proud of everything you have done and lost in 9 short months. Your pouch is PERFECT just like you

Aw thanks Diana.. it was good for me to at least try. Yes protein keeps you less "craveful" but it is a liquid and there won't be any "fullness" sensation to the pouch on liquids.. so its hard to do. Once I ate it was like aha.. yes I feel full and that is what I needed. So I learned from this experiment. It is hard!!!! Thanks again Diana.. I keep thinking I need to take a pic in my size 8 pants I promised you.. but ya know what? My 10 month is approaching soon on Oct 4th so I will take some then, promise. How are you doing? Hope you are hanging in there.. I have thought of you often lately. *hugs*
Look at this a different is an interesting test but you took it on the wrong day. If you ever reach a point where you really think you need to try this to jumpstart your weight loss efforts again plan it differently.
I think you'd be a lot more successful with this in a more controlled envirornment such as at work. Make sure it is a time when co-workers won't be celebrating a birthday or holiday with treats and you can only drink the liquids you bring with you. Your two days at work would take care of those first two difficult days and then the next day is when you usually get a lot of sleep, right? That'd be the puree day...seems like you'd be able to ease into this a lot better that way. What do you think?
Ack...I gotta run out the door. This place is too much fun!
You are right Molly.. I am gonna keep it for later *if* I need it. My head plays a lot of mind games on me. I hate seeing the scale bounce around and I think "what if my pouch has stretched". I have a hard time keeping it at 1000 cals anymore but I know i have to. I wish I could go back to when I was 5-6 months out, it was so easy then for me. Thanks for the support Molly, I don't know what I would do without you guys. You keep me sane and accountable. I can't tell you how much it means to me.
Wow, that is really interesting! I have bookmarked it to save for future reference. Good luck trying it, I bet you will enjoy it. It sounds really painful to me since I have so much trouble with meats. But it makes a lot of sense to deal with those very pain issues the way they explain it.
Keep us updated and let us know what you think of it!
Hi Melissa, you know your pouch is working just fine. You have lost so much girl....
It was interesting though. I could not eat just meat for 3 days though yuck!!!! I don't think I could do that for 5 days, unless I got desperate....not enough variety. But I did bookmark it there was other interesting info on the site...Thank you ma'am