I'm home from my tummy tuck!!

A Q.
on 9/24/07 10:09 am - Houston, TX
Hello, I am home from my tummy tuck! I got to the surgery center this morning about 6am. I was the first patient of the day. I was in the OR at 720 am and back home by 215pm. My pain is minimal, I have a pain pump-On-Q and it is doing its job! I also have vicodin and an antibiotic. When I first woke up, I was in a lot of pain but it was centralized and I got IV meds to help control that. I had to go to the restroom to void and getting dressed was a ritual. But I did it!! My husband picked me up, the nurse gave us post op orders and off we went. My husband has been wonderful, he carried me out of the car, he helped me up the stairs, he arranged my recliner, he went to get my prescription filled, he went and got me lunch and filled my water pitcher. He has been right here in the room with me the whole day, while I slept, talked on the phone, text messaged and everything. Now, he is about to empty my drains for me. God is good to give me such a good man by my side. My mom has my son and it is such a blessing that I have her, I couldnt imagine running behind him and recuperating at the same time so for that, I am grateful. My family and friends are wonderful, my mother in law is going to come to my house one day this week "just to sit with me and do whatever I need her to do". Boy, my family is something else, so supportive! I was able to make it up the stairs and I even went on one of my "walks" downstairs and to the garage to get me a sugar free popsicle-that was so soothing on my throat. My surgeon is awesome! He felt really good that he would be able to make me very flat and remove all hints of the excess skin from my middle and sides. What he has done remains to be seen but I can already tell that I am going to be happy. My concentration for the next few days and weeks is to make sure I get enough liquids, make sure I take my meds and my vitamins and get myself well. As soon as I am released to work out, I want to get that together again. At least the treadmill, so I can tone these flabby thighs. Tomorrow, my sister goes in for her procedure and she is so excited, so am I for her. We will try to get our post op appt set for the same day so that we can go together, the doctor wants to see us this week after about 3 days. Well, I will close for now, I am a little bit drowsy so I might be talking crazy but I wanted to update. God bless you all and thanks for the support!
Rebecca S.
on 9/24/07 11:39 am - Oakland Twp., MI
Wow! It sounds like you are doing great! I hope your pain is minimal and that you heal quickly - we want to see pics of those flat abs! So glad that things went so very well for you and that you have such great support. Keep us posted on your progress and results! Please get some rest and dont push your recovery, I know that you will listen to your body and treat it well. Thinking of you, Rebecca
A Q.
on 9/25/07 6:28 am - Houston, TX
Thanks Rebecca, I am slowly but surely making my way over here. I sleep off and on during the day, especially after I take my pain meds. I dont sleep for long, just 1 hour here and there but I still feel rested. I will probably get to the doctor sometime by the end of the week to get the pain pump and drains removed. I am so thankful that I was able to get this procedure done, in spite of walking like an 80 year old woman. I never thought I would be so comfortable sleeping in a recliner but it has been very good to me so far. I can't wait to see the flat abs too!! Angela
on 9/24/07 12:26 pm - Spokane, WA
Angela, It is so good to hear how well you are doing! Hope that by now you are all medicated and relaxing. Take care and enjoy all the wonderful attention from your dear husband. He sounds like a great person. I'm so happy for you achieving this very special goal today. You worked so hard to get here. Congratulations and heal quickly! Molly
A Q.
on 9/25/07 6:31 am - Houston, TX
Thanks Molly, I am truly enjoying all of this attention. I don't baby myself much, always taking care of others, so its nice to finally get to sit back and relax and let everyone else do the work. I am praying for speedy healing too, because I know then that I will have to get back into the groove of exercise and finalizing this whole process of my reconstruction. Angela
on 9/24/07 10:32 pm - KY
Hi so glad you made it through and you are doing well. Take care of yourself mini me
A Q.
on 9/25/07 6:32 am - Houston, TX
Thanks so much!! Angela
on 9/24/07 10:47 pm - san antonio, TX
Sounds like you came thru surgery like a CHAMP....i cannot wait to see the results....Be sure to take care during the recuperation! Dawn
A Q.
on 9/25/07 6:36 am - Houston, TX
Hi Dawn, Yes, it was relatively easy for me. I won't take that for granted because my 2 friends that just had the same things done are not having such an easy time. One of them has to go back tomorrow to get fixed again, because she has some skin hardening and other things going on. My other friend who used my same surgeon has problems with drainage still, and she had her surgery almost a month ago. I pray that my sister does not experience any of these problems, she has 3 kids, 2 of them young to take care of. I keep my faith, and it is really strong, I pray a lot and things seem to work out best that way. I am taking it slllooooowwww and easy and trying not to over do it. Thanks!! Angela
on 9/25/07 3:44 am - Northwood, IA
HI ANGELA!!!!! I am so glad everything went ok, I thought of u constantly and wondered how you were doing! I am glad all is good and that husband is doing his "job" of taking care of you!!! I can't wait to see your results and so glad we have someone to learn from on the plastics part of all of this! Thanks for coming on here even when you aren't mended yet to give us the update. Now you take care of yourself and get better! *hugs* Melissa
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