Team Contest!
(deactivated member)
on 9/23/07 9:51 am
on 9/23/07 9:51 am
Hi, Everyone...Molly came up with a really fun idea earlier about team spirit based on cheerleading. We both felt that we'd never would have made the team in our youth, but now? A girl can dream can't she! So how about a little contest all in fun, to ensure that everyone of us makes it to GOAL.
BTW seems that Molly has an adversion to doing cartwheels. Hey, she mentioned it; not me. My response: Molly, YOU do have to have to do cartwheels...on video...with a pillow strapped to your butt just in case the TailBone From Hell gets bumped!
Humor Us... We both need a laugh. Love to hear your ideas and what the contest winner should be awarded! Here's my (partial) input..still thinking, but will update.
Ro's Choices...
PomPoms: HOT pink because we're all getting HOT.
Team Cheer: "Go ALL the Way" (Warning: Don't tell DH, unless you're H
Team Name: ?
Other Catagory: ?
Contest Prize: Our own Cheerleader Calendar with the WINNER posed as Ms. Dec. '06

PomPoms...the BIG kind...not these wimpy modern ones. I love the hot pink idea and how about some silver mylar added in too?
Team Song: Wind Beneath My (bat) Wings
Team Cheer: We can do it yes we can, we can do it no more Spam! (ham, jam...) (ok, this needs help)
Corporate Sponsor: Spanx/Lean Cuisine
Team Name: Sizzlin' December Hotties?

Ok..I am laughing
PomPoms-Bright pink is good but I personally am more of a RED girl!!!
Team Cheer-Sing YMCA but change to G O A L
Give me time and paper and the right words as I am sooo good at making up my own as I sing and I can change the whole darn song
Team Name-December Shining Stars
We could challange November and January to a weigh off