What did ya eat today - Thursday?
Hi Gang! How did we eat today?
B - Homeade pumpkin protein Bar with SF/FF cream cheese 'frosting' (202 cals, 18 proteins)
L - Sante Fe South Beach Chicken Wrap using only 1 toritlla, no jello, added raw spinach, chopped onion, salsa and tbsp light sour cream (200 cals, 23 proteins)
S - Latte using SF syrup and light vanilla soy milk, decaff, with light whipping cream (80 cals, 6 proteins)
D - Concoction I threw together in the crock put using cream of mushroom soup and chicken with veggies. Will put it on pasta for the hubby, just the meat and veggies sprinkled with light cheese for me (about 200 cals, 29 proteins).
S - Making SF apple crisp, don't know if it will be good or not if it is I will post the recipe. I am just gonna have a 1/4 serving (66 cals, 1 protein)
S - Cafe Caramel EAS Shake (15 proteins, 110 cals)
Cals: 907, fats 33, carbs 65, protein 95ish.
Hi! Long, tiring day. Breakfast potluck at work this morning (I ate too much protein!), very hungry and already fatigued before it and then when I got home. Support group tonight so I am sipping a regular latte with ff soy milk. Hope it works! Here's the ugly truth:
1) lower-cal frosty protein shake (maybe this got me off to a bad start...dunno)
2) homemade pumpkin protein bar
3) at the potluck...about 1 1/2 eggs scrambled, 1 very thin slice ham rolled up with 1 60 cal slice American cheese, 1 T. shredded cheese and salsa on the eggs, abt. 1/2 cup fruit
4) 3 turkey/cheese rollups, 1/2 ounce Newman's soy crisps
5) 2 homemade almond protein biscotti (wow, can't wait to share the recipe on this one!)
6) 1/2 cup egg beaters scrambled, 1/2 cup salsa
--1cup ff soy in a latte w/pumpkin pie spice sf syrup
cals: 1262 (NOOOOO!), fats: 36, carbs: 82, protein: 129
This is AWFUL! I know it wouldn't have been so out of control without the potluck food and that extra biscotti. Haven't packaged them up yet so they are too easy to get into and too yummy. They are locked up for now in case I feel weak again.
Tonight will be ok since I'll be at the meeting and when I get home I'll drink more water and hopefully get right to bed. (Unless I turn on the computer to check in with you!) Tomorrow is a day off...bliss! Will work on keeping the numbers sane!
Hope you had a good day!

Hi my name is Amy and I am screwing up.
I have eaten anything and everything since I reached the 199 mark. I have had pizza, chocolate, lattes and even the NSA banana nut cake at Starbucks. Not even mentioning the "allowed" food I am still eating.
I know I need to get back on track and I keep telling myself that, but just can't seem to do it. Hopefully, this coffession will get back on track.
Thank you for listening. I now return you to your regular scheduled eats.
Hey Amy.. well first I have to say you made me giggle outloud with that last statement.. so cute!
Girl, we all have our moments where we either eat outside the norm or the wrong things.. bru**** off tomorow is a new day! You can do it.. don't let the junk/carb monster get you! Get him off your back and move on! I know you can do it! *hugs*
I think I need a new motivation. 199 was a "big" goal for me and when I reached it I lost track of myself. 175 is my goal weight, but only because it is the highest weight I can be and be considered "normal". I am happy at the weight and clothing size I currently am and I think that might have sucked some of my focus from attaining goal.
Thanks again for all the support.
Amy, what sorts of things have been helpful motivators for you recently...other than the scale? I've found several times that if I go clothes shopping for whatever reason, I end up feeling all re-energized and proud of myself afterwards. It is always a shock when I pick up a size six pair of pants and not only do they go up over my butt--they zip! Of course I don't buy everything that fits (my husband is grateful) but just being ABLE to do it really jazzes me.
I also got really psyched yesterday after doing a new pilates dvd after not having done it in so long (because of The Evil Tailbone). It truly left me tired and drained and of course the butt was sore but I was shocked at how much easier it was to get through than I thought it would be. Has to be the fact that there is so much less of me now.
Maybe what it boils down to is finding a way to prove to ourselves that we are BEING successful and that props us up to want to continue to be successful. All I know is that after something that brings on that sense of self-accomplishment, I have much less trouble staying on plan.
So, any ideas of what you can do?
Great Tips Molly! I think you hit the nail on the head. Ya know the saying "Nothing tastes as good as thing feels" I really believe that now and I also know that putting something taboo in my mouth has instant gratification for about 5 seconds then comes the guilt and the continuous worrying and for *me* it isn't worth it. I agree though Molly finding things that motivate you.. for me its exercise or shopping too! We are so alike.. how funny. Music and exercise both give me that "adrenaline" rush food gave me preop and so does fitting into a smaller size.. so to me that is motivation to stay on the straight and narrow also.. You girls can do this!!!! We are here to support you 100 percent! *hugs*
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/07 2:09 am
on 9/21/07 2:09 am
Hi, Amy and Gals...Great non-scale ideas! I am going to try to do the same. Lately, I've been trying to find the "right spot" on the floor, which hopefully will give a better loss amount. So silly....especially since my scale is digital. DH fears that I will take a hammer to the blasted thing. The goal setting and the rewards are new to me.
I love my current clothes too. The next season, I plan to love whatever I pick, but in a smaller size. Go shopping...it's in our blood! LOL XOXOXO Ro