What did ya eat today - Sunday
Sorry to see another weekend coming to an end, even if it is a challenging time regarding food. How did it go for you today?
1) a large peach
2) 1 homemade protein bar
3) 3 turkey/cheese rollups
4) mini bag of popcorn
5) chinese restaurant dinner salad...I estimate abt. 3 oz. chicken, 1/4 cup noodles, 2 tab. dressing
6) maybe will have a nonfat, decaf latte later
cal: 1085, carbs 100 , fat: 49, protein: 69.
I think the peach really shot the carbs and the salad dressing shot the fats and calories. Makes me miss my watermelon days (I do have some in the fridge but have stayed out of it this weekend) since it has so much less sugar in it than other fruits. The peaches are needing to be eaten and I'd rather help eat them fresh than make a cobbler or something fattening for the family. Does that seem weird?
Well Molly...I went to the veggie/fruit market today and bought another watermelon as we have had NONE in the last few days and I think this is about the end of the homegrown ones for us. I have to say I TRIED to stay away but they are sooo good and it is better then eating some of the other stuff I am tempted to pick on.
B-glass of low fat ch. milk and low fat string cheese
S-100 cal. pack of sun chips (in the car)
L-grilled cheese on wheat bread (1 slice)
S-protein bar and pineapple
D-Turkey, 3 spoonfuls mashed pot and small ear of corn (last of the year)
I have come to the conclussion that I need to go to a program for people addicted to watermelon...Hi I am Diana and I am addicted to watermelon
Have a good WEEK!!

Diana, if homegrown watermelon are better than store-bought ones then I hope to never meet one! I have enough trouble with the ones in the stores...heaven help me if I had anything better than what I'm used to. Yikes!
Thinking about you and all the rest of us December babies helped me tremendously this weekend. NOT ONCE did my little hands dip into the cereal container. NOT ONCE! This is a huge victory for me.
The two weeks ahead are going to be killer--I'm planning on getting into the watermelon as a last resort. First there is cantaloupe to finish and I don't love it as much as watermelon so it is easy to stick to nice, measured portions.
Better get ready for bed, that 3 a.m. alarm has to be dealt with.
Honest to gosh we have homegrown melons here that are so darn good. I do not like cantalope BUT the ones we buy in the farm stands that are locally grown are WONDERFUL!!
I do not like cereal and have never been a cereal eater till RECENTLY when I tasted Cinnamon Toast Crunch....I can not buy it for my kids anymore as it is a OMG trigger food for me.
Have a good week and I am hoping I do also. I so need to STOP picking on stuff I should not be eating. I wish I DUMPED as that is what I need to keep me in check.
eek...not such a good eating day...my husbands sons came to visit from college and broght their girlfriends.. it is weird being on this side of the meeting the parents.... i am probably only 15 years older than these little girls and they call me maam and thank me for the hospitality
B: english muffin wiht american chese
L: 1/4 c spaghetti 4 meatballs
salad w/lite dressing
S: yogurt with kashi
D: 3.5 oz bag popcorn, tostada shells with cheese
S: yogurt with kashi
It's Probably Good that this is all i can remember.........see once i get started on the BAD carbs it is down hill from there.
cal 1289 fat 53 carbs 154 protein 49