Weekend Warriors!
Rebecca made a good comment that we need to commit to each other to make good choices this weekend and Melissa very wisely already pledged to do just that. I'm going to raise my hand now too because i have a tough weekend ahead and know that it is going to be hard to remember those choices.
Carbs still seem to be my biggest problem (not grazing on them!) so I pledge to you that I will deal with it head on and not let them get to me!

So glad we are in this together!
This weekend I will be working round the clock, spending the night at the office while we are in negotiations - and they will be feeding us by the buckets....so here is my vow:
- I will not eat bread, pasta, rice, chips, or any other bad carbs
- I will not eat sugar (havent tried any yet and I will not start now)
- Limit my fruit to 2 servings of appropriate size per day
- Get veggies in with lunch and dinner
- Meet protein goal of 80 gr. every day
and, most importantly, NOT EAT JUST BECUASE THE FOOD IS THERE !!!!!! '
Molly, your pumpkin protein bars sound great right now.. I can almost smell them!
Yeah, Rebecca! Don't let their buckets of food get you down girl. Instead of my usual crack-of-dawn shift...today I have a late-night shift so it throws the whole weekend off and I will be very tired which is a terrible challenge to my food plan.
To combat the carbs that bother me most here's my vows:
--pre-measure any challenging carbs and only consume those
--snack when needed on cucumbers
--make sure to get in all my water plus extra
--sleep whenever my body says to and don't feed it instead
Molly (ps, your comment spurred me to get that protein bar recipe calculated so I did, thank you!)
Hi Molly
First of all I have a NEW PICTURE (my last one was from February)..I had Bunco tonight and I had my son take a new one of me before I left since I liked how my hair turned out today AND does it not figure I am getting it TRIMMED and Highlighted tomorrow morning
I read your post before I left and I remembered it the entire night. I drank at least 45 PLUS ounces of water tonight there. I moved the candy bowls everything I sat down at a table as I did not want to look or smell M&M's. I ate 2 meatballs, some shrimp, a little onion dip on Melba toast and then DRANK MY WATER. I so need to work on my grazing. Have a good weekend.

Well my weekends are my easiest days as I am at work and eat on a schedule. I pretty much eat the same thing both days and the same thing every weekend.. call me boring I know. I will eat my famous chili again both days and some chicken with green beans for the other meal. I will do a shake on the way to work and then a bar on the way home.. I have done this for several months and it works for me. I also eat another meal when I wake up.. each day.. kinda gets scrunched together some but it works...
Molly i want to thank you for the pumpkin bar recipe!!! OMG I love it.. I used Cinnamon Dolce syrup, 1 cup instead of the others and WOW delish. I have a gas stove and the first batch I may have cooked it a few minutes too long but the second batch was perfect already have them individually wrapped and in the freezer! This is why I never got to the eats posts.. oops so sorry. I was so busy tonight. Then I made gingersnap cookies for aaron's family.. his high school reunion is this weekend. So I wanted to send him back home with some treats for his family and him of course (bad boy I know... rny pt? yes.. no dumping there!)
Well to everyone I this weekend keeps you from eating things you shouldn't and u stay focused. Have a good one!
Mmm...I think I want to make another batch of the original recipe and use some cinnamon syrup instead of the maple. I put in an e-mail to Davinci to ask them for the calorie count on one cup of syrup...haven't been able to find it. It must be something, however negligible.
DH had the fan on last night and I woke up after two hours sleep so really punchy here, better hurry and get back to bed now that my mug of herbal tea is warming me.