MMM Good - Soy Chips - low carb....
Found these low carb, high protein soy chips in the organic section at my Kroger grocery store. Here is the scoop:
Michael Seasons Soy Protein Chips
1 oz. serving (3.5 in bag)
cal 110, fat 4.5 (0 sat), carb 9 gr minus 4 gr. fiber = 5 and 12 g protein
They taste really good!
Scary because tonight I was looking for THOSE EXACT things!!! My Kroger has the potato chips, but I saw on the back that they had the soy chips listed. They just don't happen to carry them. I've been soooo craving salty/chippy type things, but wanted a healthy option. I'm beginning to think that's not in the cards for me.
Great to "see" you by the way. How've you been???

Hey stranger! How are you feeling? I am sure you are crazy busy with school back in session - but I know you are managing it all very well. I got the chips up by my house - if we can get together for a support group later this month I will bring you some!!! Work is busy, busy - the contract expires next week so I will be on lock down all week - at least they have been trying to have healthy food available!
I'm feeling like dog doo, but thank you for asking. LOL!! I AM crazy busy now! My youngest has half day kindergarten, my oldest is being home schooled, and the principal at the school he just left has arranged for him to play in band there everyday, and my middle son has just started middle school. Then hubby and I have started classes a couple of weeks ago as well, add that to the pregnancy and I'm whipped. I'm glad you have confidence in me managing it well, because I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into.
Sorry to hear work is so busy, but like I tell my husband, I do suppose that it's MUCH MUCH better than not having a job to go to, eh? That's awesome they're having healthy food available, or at least trying. I remember when I worked outside the home, it was coffee, donuts, muffins, and greasy take out. Occasionally they'd have a health kick and order Mr. Pita. :P
Not sure on the support group thing...we only have one vehicle and Erik has classes M-Th. He's never a happy camper when he has to miss we'll see. I know I could really benefit right now from one.

Weird, I thought I posted a reply to you but don't see it. If it is here and my browser isn't picking it up then I'm sorry for a repeat. I ordered those from I always try to order something new to try when I place a protein order and I'd already sampled other things from this company at one of our support group meetings. (the hot ones are too hot for me) They are really yummy and it is so helpful to have them portion controlled. Definitely worth the extra expense for me, I just can't control myself with a full bag of chips.
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/07 11:44 am
on 9/7/07 11:44 am
Hi, Molly! Thanks for the site info. Good idea about pre-portioned snacks. I still get anxious about eating treats, but I have given in recently because I know that is the only way to learn moderation. I did try some yummy Atkins bars. I ultimately cut them into 1/4 pieces and refrigerated them in snack-size zip bags.
P.S. DH is hooked on the caramel Davinci and has even added it to his yams!