
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/07 1:45 pm - Toledo, OH
Ok, well you are all aware of the problems I have with my daughter. Today things got crazy, but not from anything she did. She went to visit her close friend today who happens to live at her ex boyfriends house. Well her ex boyfriend's gf was there and decided she wanted to fight Emily (my daughter) Well this kind of blew over after a min so my daughter was going to leave so she could get to work. Just before she got in the car a car load of girls pulled up and jumped out. One even had a crowbar. Before she knew it her ex's gf hit her and then another from from the carload. Emily was fighting both girls and winning so her ex jumped in too and starting kicking my daughter in the head and face. The girl with the crow bar came after my daugher and another girl who was watching saw her and grabbed a beer bottle and hit her in the head. Thank God because this could have killed Emily!! Of course once she got home I called the police and medical arrived. I took her to the ER and we were there for several hours. They did a cat scan. She has tons of huge lumps on her face and head, entire fact swollen and a broken nose. It could have been so much worse, but the poor thing is really going to be feeling it tomorrow. Of course I am pressing charges. No question about it. The little **** is lucky I don't go over there cause I just want to beat the crap out of him myself. I just cannot believe a guy can do that to a girl. I am so mad right now I cannot even explain it. All of this because Emily is his ex gf!! What kind of logic is that? We all have ex's!! So that was my fun day. I am not sure what to do because her ex goes to the same school. I will press charges tomorrow and get a restraining order, but not sure what can be done since they go to the same school. If anyone has insight to this I would really appreciate it!! Take care everyone ~ Terisa
on 8/26/07 8:11 pm - Northwood, IA
Ugh, what a nightmare Terisa! I can't imagine the stress this puts on you and your family. Your poor daughter.. ugh. I am thinking the restraning order and pressing charges is a must like you said. I wish I could provide you some insight. Do you have a lawyer/police office you could call for guidance that is in the family? I will be thinking and praying for you.. big hugs my friend.
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/07 10:25 pm - Toledo, OH
I don't have anyone that I can think of. My husband's cousin was a sherrif's deputy for years, but we have not talked to him for a long time. Not sure I know how to reach him. Other than that I can't think of anyone. I posted on the main board hoping to gain some insight there. Thanks for the hugs and prayers
on 8/26/07 9:45 pm - Columbus, IN
OMG...how scarey for ALL of you. Can you also press charges against the crowbar girl? That would scare me to death...I hope your daughter is doing well today!!! Hugs to both of you Diana
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/07 10:23 pm - Toledo, OH
I don't think anything can be done about the crowbar girl since she never got the chance to hit my daughter. I am so thankful someone stepped in and took care of her before she was able to hit her.
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/07 10:20 pm
DOUBLE UUGGHH...Oh, Terisa, this is just horrible...Thank God that you are there for Emily and that she was able to get home to you. I feel shaken just reading what happened and hope that the authorities can help you and your daughter. Ro
on 8/27/07 5:42 am - KY
Press charges against everyone of those little suckers!!! Hold them all liable for what they have done to your daughter. Let her know she is in my thoughts and prayers good luck with everything mini me
on 8/27/07 8:35 am - Spokane, WA
Oh Terisa, what a terrible situation and poor Emily! Emily should definitely be covered under the DV laws since this is her ex. For sure get a restraining order, here it costs a little bit and you have to go to court to petition for it but it would be so worth it in the case of minors. You need some legal help in this matter, too...someone who can tell you what is and isn't possible in the way of protection for her. Perhaps the school district can force the boy out of their school and into another school because of the RO? And if he is 18 or under then check to see if your state holds his parents responsible for his actions...if so then you have claim against them for your medical and possibly legal costs too. Did they photograph all of Emily's lumps and bruises? Law enforcement or a lawyer should handle that or get a witness to sign a statement that you photographed them and on what day they were taken. Oh my gosh, girl...sending big hugs and prayers your way for strength to get through all this. Molly
(deactivated member)
on 8/27/07 8:54 am - Toledo, OH
ok Molly, here is the latest. I went to the records office today to get a copy of the police report to take to the prosecutors office. The police officer gave me the second half without the names, but faxed the rest to the prosecutors office. The police officer said that her ex and gf has not been arrested because he said that he did not do anything. Ok, my daughter looks like she has been hit by a train!! Why on earth did the cops not arrest him? Pissed me off. The cop said today that by looking at her alone the prosecutors should be able to to something. So, I go the the prosecutors office today. They took my portion of the report and said that they would give me a copy of the full report. So, the prosecutor calls us in and the first thing she does is basically blame it in my daughter for being there. My daughter went there to see another friend to get an invitation for a baby shower. There was no problems even with her ex so no reason for her to even worry. But, his current gf called her gang. How is this my daughter's fault? She was not even on their property and was in the process of leaving so she could go to work when she was jumped from behind. Basically the prosecutor said that because her ex denied it I would have to find witnesses. This is such bullsh*t. Especially since the witnesses are friends of her friend that lives there. Not like we can go to her ex's and knock on the door. Ok, so the system wants to screw with me..fine. I called the news and sent photos. They did a story on my daughter and hopefully they will do a full story tomorrow including teen/domestic violence. I also contacted the mayor. I went to the school as well and they are taking care of everything they can from their end as well. He WAS a football player, but he can kiss that goodbye too. Now all his team mates are harrassing him calling him a woman beater. The good news is that while I was at the school we ran into a young woman who was a witness to the assault. She told me the exact same story and verified it was an assault and that her ex was kicking her in the head and face. She is going to the prosecutors office with me on Friday and is willing to testify. As far as a restraining order or protection order there is no such thing for juveniles!!! I guess our kids do not need protection???!!?!?!?! She looks horrible and could have easily been killed and she does not need protection?!?! I am going to be the biggest b*tch in the world until they take care of this. I also have a call into the detectives to find out why they are letting a man beat a woman and not doing anything and calling the seargent tomorrow. I am going to call and harrass as many cops and city officials as I can until they take responsibility and prosecute him and his girlfriend i have been taking photos of Emily. I took them shortly after it happened, later in the day and again today. I will do more tomorrow. I took them to the prosecutors office and took the er report too. They are all gonna hate me by the time this is over....do you think I care??!?!?!?
on 8/27/07 9:06 am - Spokane, WA
Terisa, you are such an awesome mom!!! YOU ROCK!!! It is hard for me to comprehend that teens can't get protection orders...absolutely amazing! When the worst of this has passed perhaps you will have enough energy left to contact your local lawmakers and see if they can suggest any changes to the local DV laws to protect minors. Sounds to me like there are some serious shortcomings in your local codes. And in this supposedly-victim-empowered time we live in how is it possible that the police are claiming that Emily is to blame just because she was there? She's a free citizen and didn't go over there to start anything, how in the world can they treat her like that? Again...amazing. Keep up all your good work on this. And keep up your protein, you have to have strength and energy for this battle! Molly
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