What Did ya eat today - Sunday
Well, I still haven't logged my food yet today and probably won't. It has been a busy busy busy weekend but good food-wise. My sister is still here visiting but we are winding down. Work is looming ahead for me, boo hoo. Here's what I ate--it seems as though I was putting food in my mouth the whole time but apparently not!
1) 1 cup canteloupe
2) frosty protein shake
3) blta salad...2 sl. turkey bacon, 1/4 small avacado, 1/2 tomato, 5 olives, lf ranch on lettuce. 6 rice crackers. (3/4 cup Sauteed zucchini grazed after lunch). YUM!
4) 200 cal prot. bar
5) 2 cups watermelon
Low again on protein but I think the calories are right on track. Still pms'ing....ack.
Baked a Betty Boop cake for my boss' birthday tomorrow and it turned out so cute and I did not taste so much as one LICK of batter or frosting. I WIN!
How did you folks do today? Sorry I didnt reply to anything from what you ate yesterday,I promise to do better next week. Melissa is going to be on a trip so we will help each other out with the daily food logs and our Tuesday weigh-in. Hopefully she'll have time to check in with us now and then.

Hi Molly, I am not loggin my food anymore-shame on me-but I had a great day foodwise. I had today:
B-South Beach protein bar, grapes and 1 sl american cheese
s-frappuccino light
S-atkins protein bar
D-chorizo, small steak, one tablespoon of rice, tomatoes, onions
S-light dulce de leche-(close to caramel, from my home country)
But, the best part of my day was this mornign when I went with my husband and son biking for over two hours in the Miami heat. It was great, I was not tired and wanted to continue the rest of the day. The two hours were not all at once, but we only stopped at Target for coffee and some shopping. I bought the most cute dress, size L. Wow! I am wearing tomorrow to take my son to his first day of middle school.
Ok, girl...you and I both can do better on logging our food. That is one of the KEYS to long term success and we deserve to be successful! We probably both just had a very busy weekend and now we have to get back to our food logs, ok? I got mine logged in today and hope to see that on Tuesday you will have yours logged too. Deal? Hope so!