Hello Gang: how are you this evening? I am doing excellent, sorry I have not been around much this week but too many things going on. I was finally able to stay home this afternoon to cath up with laundry, bills and so much more around the house.
I went to see my Doc on friday and everything is good. Lab report was excellent, all my levels are where they are supposed to be. He gave me the best news ever, might insurance will cover part of TT b/c I have a hernia and it needs to be repaired. He says to wait until one year out to have plastics and then he will do the TT and the hernia. Wow! I am so happy, I do not have to go south of the border for the TT, maybe for the breast lift or maybe I'will have both done at the same time.
Do you guys know why we develop hernias after WLS, my doc explained it to me and my husband but we forgot already.
Check out my new pics in my profile.
Talk to you later,

It's been fairly quiet this week on our forum anyway. I hope it is because everyone is doing great, then it is a good thing.
I am not sure exactly why we tend to develop hernias. I forgot too!
I looked at your pics and you look amazing!!!! Very beautiful. Just wait till you get all your other surgeries done...Thanks for sharing the pics with us