I'm Late - What did ya eat today??? Friday
Sorry kids.. late today. Was out and about ALL day.. just got home. Just sitting here on fitday figuring out my damages.. I had a GOOD day considering how much running around we did today. Usually I don't like those kinds of days!
B: 1 egg, 2 oz lean ham steak
S: 16 oz SF soy latte, decaff
L: Chicken Sante Fe Salad. Small amount of ranch/salsa mixed for dressing. Had 2 oz chicken and some cheese, black beans and lettuce. 1 bite of a cheese quesadilla that came on the side. I was pretty happy with how I handled that!
S: EAS protein shake now.
(not gonna do a formal dinner as I am sure my lunch had to add up to 300ish cals if not more by logging into fitday..)
As of right now I am at 873 cals, 41 fats (grr, but seems to be my norm), 46 carbs, 76 proteins. I need a tad bit more protein so gonna have another shake or a protein bar I think.
I am really trying to get closer to 1000 cals a day per my PA suggestion at my 6 month appointment and here is why. A lot of girls on the RNY board are getting that metabolic testing done lately. They are finding that they are not even close to enough calories. I know this sounds insane I know...but any dietician or nutritionist will tell you never to go 20 percent below your basal metabolic rate, surgery pt or not.... mine is 1550ish.. So I really should be getting in no less than 1200 which I know seems insane but I worry I am really messing up my metabolism for later... so I wanna go to 1000 at least now if I can. Gonna be hard for me. Especially since I also exercise. Terri R on the RNY board is a body builder and found out she needs at least 3100-3700 cals to MAINTAIN her weight b/c of the amount of exercise she gets.. after her gallbladder removal she was getting in around 2000 cals (which is so hard, she drinks a lot of her cals with shakes) and lost 10-15 pounds in two weeks! So it is just amazing.. I went to price gym memberships today. I am gonna join the Y I think.. and get a personal fitness assessment done. They don't have the metabolic testing (darn will have to ask my surgeon about it) but they can calculate body fat percentages and stuff. So I highly suggest if you can get one of these metabolic tests to get one done. Takes about 30 minutes.. I am gonna keep trying to find out how I can get one done. Makes a lot of sense to have this knowledge.. ok enough rambling for me. I hope you all have a great weekend!!!!
Hi Melissa,
My eating has bee weird today since it has been a bad ulcer day. But, once it got better DH and I had a hot date to Home Depot and then afterward we checked out a new Mexican restaurant and I ate the yummiest, most moist chicken salad. Haven't checked out my numbers yet, I think once I add up the supper numbers I'll be aghast.
Here's what I ate:
1) half cup Special K protein
2) frosty protein shake
....lots and lots and lots of carafate
--cup of 25 cal hot cocoa to try to settle pouchie
--sf fudgesicle also to try to make pouchie happy
3) EAS choc. rtd protein
4) chicken salad w/approx 2 oz. chicken, very little cheese
5) the rest of the chicken with about 2 oz. chicken, half a small avacado (there's some calories, kids!), 1 oz. 2% fat cheese, 1/4 cup cashews (a craving!), 1 tab. lf ranch dressing
Boy, do I dread logging that last salad and all it's topping glory. I never should have gone grocery shopping hungry. They were having a cereal sale and I also bought three bags of Bear Naked granola and plan on eating a 1/4 cup of it with my next batch of Fage yogurt. The calories are high on it but the sugars are reasonable.
Molly, with a happy pouchie finally
Bad eating day, as in I don't think I ate enough.
B: 1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese, slice of cheddar cheese and 2 peach slices.
L: 190 calorie Lean Cuisine with 7g of fat, 9 carbs, and 21g protien
S: Yogurt & nother slice of cheese
D: of all things.. Taco Bell rice & bean burrito. I hate payday Fridays, always too much to do, and not enough time.
I started out really good, but hsd a problem once I got to the Toby Keith concert (d**n rednecks and their beer
1. achiev one
2. ham/broccoli/cheese crustless quiche
1/2 tomato/cucumber mix (plain)
3. 2 chicken/cheese/pickle roll-up
1/2 serving sf hershey bar (which are now gone. THank goodness!!)
4. 1/2 atkins protein bar anf non-fat vanilla latter
5. 2 oz grilled chicken and 2 bites turnip greens yuck!)
6. 2 pcs turkey lunch meat
Now at the concert
some french fries w/ketchup about 15 total
iced nonfat vanilla latte
Bud Lite ( i was drinking some of my husbands. Throughout the whole night I would say I had about 12 oz)
I have no idea on my totals, but it can't be good.
On a better note the concert was AWESOME!! This is the second time we have seen him and the man is incredible and so patriotic. He had a bunch of local Marines on the stage and they got a bigger ovation than Toby and deservedly so. Seeing that kind of reaction for our troops always reminds me why I am a Redneck at heart.
Now back to the grindstone and NO MORE BEER!!

hum, now that I see that everyone is not perfect with their eating, I feel much better.
Yesterday, I was doing good until I gave into NSA Banana nut coffe cake from Starbucks. Ate the whole slice by myself.
It was delicious but over 400 calories not even want to mention the carbs. Oh well, yesterday is gone and today is another chance to do better and I will try to stay focused. It's hard but I will do it.
Made the cottage cheese pancakes today, the simple version, they are soo good and full of protein which is the best part.
Happy saturday to all, stay focused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!