Weird Question, but fun too.
Ok This really has nothing to do with WLS other than most of us seem to eat it. My husband and I were both eating some string cheese and he eats it as strings where I am just a bite a chunk off type person. Although, before surgery I was a string eater. He said I was eating wrong, as if there is a wrong way. Anywho, just wondering if anyone else is a biter too or anybody change the way they eat things since surgery (besides smaller bites and chew, chew, chew)?
Strange question, I know, but hubby and I have these weird conversations all the time and I was just wondering if anyone else just bites chunks off too. ( Sounds perverted if you let your mind wander)

That IS a fun question, Amy! I'm AC/DC on the string cheese issue myself. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
An hour or so across the state line from us is the little resort town of Sandpoint, Idaho (it is where Coldwater Creek Co. is headquartered) and they have some locally famous cheese that is commonly referred to as Squeaky Cheese. I don't know the actual name of the cheese but it is a gob of yellow cheese blobs stuck together and you peel off a hunk and when you chew, it is squeeky in your mouth. So it has sort of already been invented. Man, is it yummy cheese too...
Hmm...I *was* thinking that a trip to Coldwater Creek might be fun this summer as a weight loss reward and if some of that cheese accidentally came home with me I wouldn't complain. It is protein after all. LOL!