Struggling...Need help

on 8/6/07 4:40 am - Pinellas Park, FL
I eat really good during the week. Making really good choices, drinking water, exercising and logging/counting calories, carbs, fats and proteins. However, as soon as the weekend hits I screw up big time. I don't always get enough water in, hardly ever do my exercise regime and worst of all i eat crap and I eat to much, grazing through the day. For example I ate my protein, but I also ate some crackers, doritos, a cookie a couple bites of cake (ok more than a couple) and just all around crap. I was talking to my husband about it last night and he thinks since I am not working I am losing the "structure" and safety being that I only take to work what I can/should eat for a day at a time. Anyone got any ideas on what I can to stay on tack those days? Thanks for all your advice
on 8/6/07 7:01 am - Columbus, IN
Hi Amy I know how you feel...I eat when I am bored, happy, sad, depressed not depressed. I am REALLY having to work on it now. I have found myself picking all the time and the last week I started using fitday and have made some better choices. I keep remembering them saying that this surgery was a tool and they are SO RIGHT! It is a struggle every day. Good Luck Hugs DIana
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/07 11:09 am
Hi, Amy...and Happy #8! Thanks for the "Surgery Sister" put a smile on my face...told my husband...who thought it was very cute. Sorry that you're having cravings. Please don't beat yourself up...Just start over fresh tomorrow. I put some good snacks in a separate cabinet to keep a handle on my eating urges. I put yummy snacks...that are eaten by my family...out of sight, usually in the microwave. They know exactly where to find their goodies anyway. If I really have to have a bite...say cheesecake...or key lime pie...I have 1/2 teaspoon. The first bite is really the best and guilt free. When I "miss" eating a food that I know will make me sick or binge, I (seriously don't laugh too hard) think..."It tastes like dog food". Works for me! By the "weigh", I lost 92 LB so far and I'm so happy at #8 -- Ro
on 8/6/07 12:01 pm - Pinellas Park, FL
Thanks for the encouragment and suggestins. I too am feeling great about the surgery. Just need some better self control. I could never have lost the 158 pounds on my own.
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/07 1:11 pm - AZ
AMy I struggle on the weekends with snacking as well. A little bite here and there. I have decided if I have the time to snack(because of bordom) I have time to write down what goes in my mouth. I gained 2 precious lbs over the weekend, that I really struggled to take off. Keep posting I'm sure we'll all have some ideas. Good Luck, Erin
on 8/6/07 10:41 pm - Spokane, WA
Hi Amy, I ditto the other ideas! Weekends are HARD and your husband is right about that structure not being there to support us so we have to be creative to find our own support. For me it means not having bad stuff around because I'm afraid I'll get into it! Ticks off my 13 year old when he wants bad food and can't have it (waaaa!!!). Too darn bad! hahaha He p*ssed and moaned yesterday because there was nothing 'good' to eat in the house. Finally I got sick of listening to it and gave him five bucks and told him to walk to Burger King and quit complaining. He gave the money back and decided to suffer in silence. (can you say LAZY!?) When he got hungry enough later he ate the 'diet cr*p' I keep in the house. Score one for Mom! If I just can't control those urges then I go for something that can be worked into my day's food budget 'cause if it passes my lips it goes into that budget! I don't beat myself up for the grazing so long as it doesn't take me over my calorie limit and then I definitely do get really tough with myself because that kind of grazing is DANGEROUS! It will NOT be allowed back into my life. Some of my weekend 'safe grazing' choices: 100 cal mini bags of popcorn. Don't sit down to eat these because popcorn smooshes down too easily in the pouch and then you can eat too much. If I am up and about then it takes a long time to eat that much popcorn. I also always keep marinated cucumbers around, talk about small calories for big tasty crunch. For sweet attacks I keep strawberries, watermelon or canteloupe all cut up in a container and ready to go. Why is there cake, doritos, cookies and crackers in your house tormenting you? Nobody in your family needs those to survive and you can find them tasty alternatives so they won't feel deprived. Try gradually weaning them off this yummy stuff and then don't allow it back in the house. Just because we've lost weight doesn't mean that our surgeries fixed our heads. For me, this will be a one-day-at-a-time struggle for the rest of my life. Keep posting here with us; you are here to help keep me accountable for what I eat too and I need your help and everbody else's here just as much as you need the rest of us. Molly
on 8/7/07 12:13 am - Pinellas Park, FL
The Doritos have come and gone from the house. Hubby wanted them for work so I told him to take them there and leave them in his locker. As for the other stuff, we were out of the house all weekend and I ate it at other peoples houses. I need to find a sweet alternative that I can keep in my purse so I don't have to feel like have to eat the desert they prepared. Any ideas?
on 8/7/07 1:30 am - Northwood, IA
Hey Amy, I always keep a protein bar in my purse and my work bag.. i love my bars and they satisfy me as much as any dessert ever would. And I get the added bonus of feeling good about what i eat. Hope this helps!
on 8/7/07 1:44 am - Pinellas Park, FL
do you have a favrotie brand? Maybe one with peanut butter?
on 8/7/07 2:04 am - Northwood, IA
I personally eat the Atikins Peanut butter granola one for a couple reasons. It is 1.7 ounces.. and hearty.. it fills me up PERFECTLY. I love peanut butter and crunch, it has both and it has no sugar or sugar alchohols. It is 210 cals, 17 proteins and 8 fats.. i believe carbs are 18. It is a perfect balance of all the bars I have looked at. I eat them often and have for months.. lose ok eating those. If you go to GNC sometimes if they are getting closer to expiration date they will mark them down for 60 cents a piece. Otherwise a box of 5 or 6 at walmart are about 5-6 dollars. Well worth it! *hugs*
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