A late tally of Sunday's Eats--- How 'bout you?
Sorry this is so late, gang! Like I mentioned in the other post to Terisa, it has been a very busy day here today and this is the first time i've been online to see how you all are and log onto Sparkpeople for my food journal.
1) frosty protien shake
2) 1 cup strawberries, 1 Atkins Advantage bar (you guys got me to try them again and I still think they are yuck. LOL)
3) 1/2 cup salsa with 3 oz. tuna
4) 1/2 cup (plus abt. 2 tablespoons?) baked beans made from nsa baked beans, a family recipe concoction we call Ethel Beans (maybe it should be EthOl Beans as in the gasoline additive) ((where's the spell checker on this thing?))
5) grazed on 3 cups watermelon chunks
6) mock pb&j (rice cake, 1 T soynut butter, 1 T sf jam)
I forgot to add the beans in but with everything else it was under 800 cal, around 100 carbs and 80-something prot. Sorry I didn't write it down, too tired. So those numbers were pretty high and then adding in the beans will make it really bad. I can see my belly all puffed up from the watermelon and beans.
Will prob. see you on Tuesday and let you know how it went with the big family to-do. One of my many things to do is get the tripod out and be ready to take a group picture of us all, we don't get this many of us together more than every four or five years.
Have a great Monday!
B-Payday Protein Bar
L-Cranberry Crush Smoothie (splenda)
S-String cheese
spoonful mashed potatoes
Spoonful red beans and rice
Ear corn on the cob
S-100 calorie pack crackers
Protein bar
I was in Cinti all day again and I ate WAY to much.
I can not wait for TOMORROW to eat the way I should again

Sunday was a good day - I am feeling stronger about fighting my cravings, and when I get the itch for something crunchy or sweet or whatever I have a few new snacks in the cupboard now so I won't be so bad.
20 oz crystal lite sunrise orange
(ladie's luncheon at church):
2 lunchmeat/cheese/pimento/spinach pinwheels (I took some of the tortilla off)
2 bites of pasta salad
5 small carrots, with lite ranch drssg
2 strawberries
1/2 of a Pepperidge Farms Milano cookie
8 oz Isopure protein shake (vanilla protein powder, sf chocolate syrup, 1 tsp decaf coffee granules, low sugar/high protein milk, splash of sf khalua syrup)
6 trisket low fat crackers
2 wedges La Vache qui Rie soft cheese
1 TB red pepper hummus
1 TB apricot jelly
1/4 Hamburger helper beef stroganoff (mostly beef, hardly any pasta)
8 oz water
It's a lot I know, but it's not all bad. It seems like when I eat what would seem like a lot in one sitting ****il I start feeling uncomfortable), I tend to keep from grazing in between meals. I ate a lot of the triskets because I have been a little constipated (hormones are so fun!) and they work very well for me.
Have a good week ya'll!