What did ya eat today - Saturday
Hi December Folks! How is the weekend going for you all? Beautiful weather here today but I've been too busy to get outside and enjoy it. We have 15 people coming for dinner after work on Monday so it is a bit stressful here trying to prep as much as possible to get ready.
Food was pretty good till I got back from shopping and was in the kitchen for hours chopping, stirring, prepping, assembling, etc. In general being around too much food!
1) frosty protein shake
2) 1 pouch dehydrated apples, 1/2 cup Special K Protein Plus
--1 EAS cafe caramel 'latte' with 1 shot decaf espresso and sf caramel syrup (it doesn't have as much caramel taste as I like)
3) 1 mini bag popcorn
4) 1 hardboiled egg, 1/2 oz. pecans, 14 bing cherries
5) prolli strawberries
So far (w/o strawberries) 711 calories, 59g carbs, 22g fat, 64g prot. Kinda low but the strawberries will bump up the calories and carbs (unfortunately).
I'll never have this house ready, I don't have a day off till Tuesday and it will be too late by then.
15 people over? wow, that a major task. Hope everything goes well.
As far as food, I have to tell you that today for the first time I tried sushi and I liked it. I do not thin it's somethin I will include in my regular everyday diet but once in a blue moon will be ok. I was worried about the rice, but it went down ok. What do you guys mainly eat at sushi restaurants?
Sorry I can't answer that because the last time I was at one was waaaay pre-op of even my first surgery and I was too chicken to eat any sushi. What an idiot. I tried some spring rolls from the Japanese deli man at our military commissary. Sort of deconstructed it to remove the raw carrots and rice and it still got miserably stuck.
Have you read Susan M. Leach's book? She talks about going to sushi restaurants in there and what is good to order. If you haven't had a chance to read it, let me know and when the big to-do with the family is over I'll look it up for you.
DH and I prepared our 'battle plan' for the meal. They all requested bbq and we just can't pull it all off in one evening with only a few hours that day to prepare so we will pre-grill food tomorrow and then just reheat it on Monday. It should work out ok but it is a lot of preparation! Today I made three ice cream pies (one of their family traditions), started getting ingredients ready for potato salad, prepped for a huge green salad, shopped and bought a big veggie tray and some gourmet pre-washed salad greens. I'm cutting corners everywhere I can!

I started out really good then ended up going to Cinti. My mom has pancretic cancer and with hospice and she was not doing well today at all. I took some things with me and then PICKED when I got there as I am a stress eater. Tomorrow is a new day and we are going back BUT I am not going to pick!!! I did not drink enough water today at all (not even close) so I know I will be up a little tomorrow. Another reason WHY I am going to be good tomorrow.
I just checked out Melissas 8 month pictures and she soo motived me!!!
Can I ask what are prolli strawberries?
Oh, that is just internet slang for probably. Sorry, it is very sloppy but seems to fit my mood tonight.
Is there any chance you can bring some pick-able food with you tomorrow? Something that will fit into your food budget but allow you to eat it a little at a time so you can meet your emotional needs and not pile on any guilt? Maybe that is bad advice but after having gone through end-stage care with my aunt I think the last thing I could have done is to just tough it out. Be as good as you can and from there forgive yourself and keep trying again the next day.
Very big hugs for you!