My "official" announcement!
I had mentioned in a previous post about having a positive pregnancy test. Yesterday I went to my OB and this was confirmed. I am in fact pregnant. I'm feeling better about this because she intends on working closely with my surgeon and has said she sees no reason I cannot have a healthy pregnancy as long as I take care of myself. Of course, I won't be completely relieved until it's all over and I see for myself.
I wanted to thank those of you who wished me well and offered support. It means a great deal, since this is the first of my pregnancies to be after surgery and that I'm so nervous about.
Oh yeah, and she gave me an estimated due date of 3/30/08. Honestly, I'm hoping at least a week early on this since my 11 yr old's birthday is April 4.
It's going to be a long road, so I hope I don't wear everyone out with my complaining.
Thank again.

We are here to support you and I am glad you have an OB that will work closely with your surgeon, that is a relief right there. You are gonna do fine and like I said before, I plan to learn a little from you being that I have not had children of my own yet. I wish you a healthy, happy pregnancy.. please keep coming here and whine away if you must.. we are all here to support each other.. short, tall, pregnant, not pregnant
Very exciting..congrats on your up coming baby

I am so happy you are feeling better about this. It would be quite scary at first. It is great news and quite a relief that your ob will work with your surgeon and even better news that they see no reason that you cannot have a healthy pregnancy. I look forward to hearing all of your updates including the complaining.
This is going to be interesting and feel like we are on this journey with you. Cannot wait till we have our first Dec surgery baby!! Just name her after me ok?
Take care!! ~ Terisa