Does your butt hurt??
I bet that got your attention.
Ok, tailbone has been killing me since weight loss. It hurts everyday and I am not able to sit too long. I can sit for only a short amount of time I then I have to get up and walk before it gets too painful. I had training last week where I had to sit for 3 hours...I thought I would die!! My husband says I have no butt anymore, maybe I lost all my cushioning! lol
Anyone experience tail bone pain since you started losing weight?

I have it terrible! I went to a movie last night and I felt like I was gonna die sitting there. My husband also had RNY 5 years ago and I met him when he was 7 months out.. he had it bad too. My doc says its from the rapid weight loss, its lasts several months then goes away I am told. let's hope.. it does hurt.
That is reassuring. I went to see a dr about it and she said the xrays were fine. She had no idea what I could take for pain because of the surgery either. She said she would research it and said she would call me back the next day. A week later I called her, she just said, "I don't know, just try tylenol" Wow, what genius!! Like I had not tried that! I am looking forward to it going away!!! Thanks for the info!
Me too! I fell and broke my tailbone after my first wls and it hurt for the longest time after that. When I gained the weight back it was better (but still hurt if I ran). Now it aches all the time and there is no way I can do floor exercises with any amount of cushioning. It even wakes me in my sleep. Bought some arthritis type cream that is not supposed to be like BenGay (which hurts my sensitive skin) and though it didn't bother my skin it didn't touch the pain. I think I have calcium deposits built up over the break but can't see myself going to the doctor to ask him to look at my butt.
Don't waste your money on those wedge-shaped cushions with the hole cut out in the back, either. Doesn't help at all. I hope like Melissa said it will get better in a few months. Everybody in my family and at work is certainly sick of hearing me complain about it. Can't even get up from a sitting position easily, can you? I have to inch up bit by bit so the pain doesn't overwhelm me. What a big baby, huh?
So not only did you break it you have lost all this weight and have to contend with that? Ouch! I am sure people I know are sick of it to, but hurts!
I do have trouble getting up from a sitting position quite often, especially if I have sat too long. I would not say you were a big baby at all. Unless you have had pain in that area it is hard to imagine just how painful or difficult it is.

.......i live in TEXAS and i am still FREEZING all of the time. From the moment i walk into the building at work in the morning to the minute i go to bed at night.....i have heated seats in my car....and i just leave them on. I wear sweater sets to work and get the strangest looks because i am sure that it is probably a comfortable temperature for everyone else. I even leave a blazer in my office as back up in case i need to put a jacket on over my sweater set. But if that is the tradeoff then i am ok with it. As far as the tailbone hurting......i still have enough "cushion" so mine is not hurting....yet?!?
I am surprised that you are still so cold all the time. I was for a while after the surgery when I lost a lot of weight quickly, but that has gotten better. I drive an hour to work everyday with my boss. Being that it was winter and I had just had the surgery I would have the heated totally blasting. She just wanted to die, but hey, I was cold!!
I too am still freezing.. I hope it goes away soon too, this summer has been miserable in the A/c with hubs, keeping it 68 degrees in the house.. brrrrr i wear sweatshirts and long pants and 2 pairs of socks daily and to bed with a down comforter.. my hands are so cold too my patients complain about it a lot.. sigh.