What did ya eat today - Monday?
Hey Everyone! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I worked my tail off literally at work this weekend! My goodness it was busy! Made the time go fast though. I am also dealing with "hunger" right now - always happens once a month.. ya know what I mean. I hate that. But I am doing OK considering. Let's share what we ate today shall we?
B: Atkins Peanut Butter Protein Bar
L: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, soy chips
S: Homeade SF Cinnamon Dolce Latte with Soy milk, decaff.
D: Sante Fe Salad Kit using only a few pita chips and no jello.
S: not sure yet.. I need more protein. I am at 70ish grams now and 708 calories.
Looking forward to the munchies going away this week.
What did YOU eat today?
Hi Melissa,
Just got home from work today and as all of my Mondays it was a heavy physical day so i worked out really well! It is 100 degrees on our patio right now. Too hot! But I have to say that after being inside air conditioning all day it is nice to get outside and get warm again.
Today's food:
1) frosty protein shake
2) 1 cup strawberries
3) 2 oz. chicken, 1 tab. lf ranch dressing, 1/2 cup kashi go lean
4) 1 cup microwave popcorn, ff
5) prob. more chicken, cucumbers
6) maybe a sf fudgesicle
Tomorrow I have an EGD to look at my ulcers again so today's food is it until around dinnertime tomorrow. boohoo
Sorry to hear you are having the munchies bad, I had them last week on top of all my work stress and so glad it is finally gone. Unlike you and mostly everybody else here on the mb, during that week of the month I always gain a couple of pounds and then lose it once the week is over. I like my scale again.
Munchie Munchie Munchie!
Just had a spinach pancake with ff sour cream on top - really good. Frozen section, from the gourmet/health food market. They are by Dr. Praegeur's all natural and I could read all the ingredients on the box - 60 cal each, 3.5 fat, 0 sat fat, 3 gr. fiber, 1 protein. Not alot of protein but good as a side. Tasted like a potato pancake but its green... very good!
Bfast - 3/4 cup. kashi go lean, 3 melon chunks
snack- low fat cheese and 9 ( 1/2 serving) all bran crackers (very good if you havent tried them)
lunch - paprika chicken salad and grilled veggies (still from last week, is that bad??)
snack - watermelon chunks
after workout - atkins coconut protein bar
din din - insides of a gouda & spinach chicken sausage and a spinach pancake
snack - healthy choice fudge bar
HHmmm, low on protein. Will work on that tomorrow.
Hope everybody had a good Monday! Rebecca
Rebecca, thank you for the tip on the spinach pancake. I will have to see if I can find that or something like it. Sounds like a really yummy veggie side. It is too darn easy for me to get into comfortable ruts like my chicken and cucumber rut these days so it would be smart to try this.
Now, tell more about this gouda and spinach chicken sausage. Inquiring minds, ya know....LOL!
I found the chicken sausage at Costco - hope you have those in WA cause I could not imagine life without one! The ones they carry are "Amy's" - 80 - 90 calories each, less than 2 gr. of fat -- I only eat the insides that they are very, very good. They have spinach and gouda, and another one that is apple and gouda - both are very good. My friends on WW love them too because they are 2 points each on weigh****chers.
In the end....arent we all a Weigh****cher!?!?! Hee hee =)
Please don't make me tell
Ok...here goes and really in no particular order
1 tbsp peanut butter w/1 tbsp sugar free strawberry jelly
1.5 oz Sun chips
1 slice american cheese
1 protein shake (made with 8 oz. skim milk)
1 tbsp hummus
1.5 oz sun chips
1.5 oz beef jerky
1 atkins protein bar
8 oz. skim milk
1/4 cup of sugar free cool whip
1 small square of dark chocolate
1 boco burger w/lowfat swiss
Yes, it's PMS...I've not done the math, and I don't want to. I'm having a bad day...no excuse for making wrong food choices. I'm taking my butt to the grocery store tomorrow so I actually have something I can eat. Someone come to my house and kick my butt. Although, I've noticed taking the lortab, and then NOT taking it gives me the munchies. I'm trying NOT to take it at all, but dang this pain just isn't going away. I'm thinking less about it being just a bladder infection and maybe something more with the kidneys because THIS is ridiculous.

Hello again.
Bfast- protien shake
10am snack - 1 1/2 tbspoon natural pb, string cheese
12:30 - 3oz black beans
3:00 - 3oz cottage cheese(yuck, can hardly stomach it anymore)
6:00 - 3oz shredded beef, 3oz black beans
8:00 - 2 sf popcicles
I am doing the plateau buster way of eating right now...it's really hard totally cutting out the veggies and fruit...just for a little while though