Back home
Well, I have actually been back for the week but have been too ucky feeling to post. So on my last post I was getting ready to check into the hospital because I was not able to eat or drink and was hurting. I got poked and proded for a day or so and then was scoped, again
, and they said it all looked great in there, I even got the pics to prove it. They did notice a slight curve in my intestine so they decided to jump right in and check it out. I had surgery after 3 days in the hospital and my Dr. had found that since the fat dissipated so quickly in the area around my intestines they were kinda just hangin around and got twisted into an s shape. He had to attach my intestine to a wall and remove a minor hernia from my pouch. So after 8 loooooong days in the hospital I got to go home and heal up. I am hoping this fixes it, funny thing is just before I went in I told my DH that it felt like my pouch was bouncing around in my gut, guess it was just the intestine. Well, thanks to all who were concerned and those who took the time to read this long boring all bout me post
. Goes to show though that when we feel something is wrong it is best to just have it checked before it gets too bad.
Huggs to all

Brina, what an ordeal you have been through! I'm so glad you are at home now and on the mend. There is another OH member on the gastric bypass board who just had a similar type emergency surgery, she said her condition was called a Peterson's Hernia if I remember correctly. You were really smart to get this checked out and what a good doctor to take care of you so quickly.
When you feel better, have some new pictures taken so we can applaud your progress. Bet you are looking fantastic and other than the flopping intestine feeling better. Overall??? I hope so! Take care and heal quickly.