Gotta share my WOW moment last night.
My DH has a wonderful friend that I just love to death. I have been really looking forward to his DD getting married in Sept and seeing a lot of our friends who do not know I have been losing weight.
Last night we went to the town we used to live in to the races and this friend came to see us there.
He had this odd look on his face as he was walking up the bleachers then he gets this big smile as he reaches our row and gives me a huge hug and lifts me off the ground!!!!
I was sitting in between he and DH and he leans over and says "OMG what have you been doing, going to the gym and getting all buff?"
I said I have really been watching my sugar intake and exercising a lot.... and he said "well whatever you are doing, keep it up cuz you look great! I did not even really recognize you when I was walking up the bleachers".

That IS a great wow! And what a nice prelude to the even bigger wows you are going to get when you go to the wedding in Sept. Isn't it surprising when people don't recognize us now? After all, I still see the same fat woman in the mirror when my reflection looks back and I can't figure out why nobody else sees her either. It's still me and you are still you no matter what other people see.
How are getting all buff! Keep up the good work!!!
That had to feel great. I know I had not seen my father in law in about 5 months. 2 weeks ago we went to visit and he saw us walking up and he was wondering where his daughter in law was. Even when I got up next to him it took him a min to realize who I was. I had to ask him who he thought the woman was walking next to his son. He just laughed and said he had no idea, he was too busy looking for me!
I am happy you had such a wonderful wow moment and he gave you such a great compliment.