I have heard a lot of people get the same answer. People in general are supposed to get minimally 100 carbs but I also know that our bodies will break down the carbs that are available then go to the fats... so I do know that some is imperative however I personally don't care to go that high. You could try and it see what it does for your weight loss maybe it will help. I know if I do all protein lately i don't lose as well as when i get in around 50 carbs a day. I never did the 150 so I couldn't tell ya for sure. Good luck. Sounds reasonable for long term tho.. very nice.
Having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I'm always concerned about my carb intake. Paranoid even. It doesn't mean I totally eliminate them, but for the most part, I'm in the 60-90 stage. If I go over that, I freak out. I'm so afraid they'll turn on me like it was before wls. Though Melissa makes a good point...thinking back, when I wasn't counting my carbs and eating whole grains once/twice a day, I was losing more. Maybe once my stomach issue settles down, I'll go back to adding them a bit and see what happens.
Just did our 6 month nutrition class, and again, that 100 carb minimum was mentioned. However, the RD, said to start out at 65-80g a day, and see what happens, and not to go way over the 100 (overboard****il you see what your weight and pouch are gonna do.
Most days I average between 65-80g of carbs, I still don't count calories, because when I do, I'm always in the 600-750 range, and I was told as long as I'm carb counting and protein watching, the calories aren't as important.
I guess they assume watching the other two things, you're going to be choosing better food choices to begin with (such as dense proteins) and calories won't be an issue.
They aren't for me at least.
And with that, I have to go make tuna for tomorrow and the weekend, and wash my new scrubs. Last pair are just too big, and I'm tired of all the wise cracks about the load I'm carrying.
I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2002...I had a baby 3 yrs later in 2005 ( I had also dropped 30 lbs on south beach) but carbs definitly matter with insulin resistance. I think when I was pre surgery I was borderline diabetic, even though my sugars always tested ok. Do you still have any of the symptoms of PCOS? I have only one, the hair growth(yuck, I wax it)My periods are normal now though yeah!!!!
Take Care, Erin
Hey Erin.
Presurgery I was borderline diabetic. I do have the hair growth, but most of my other symptoms seem to have subsided. My periods are actually lighter and last fewer days than pre-surgery (when I had them that is) and they're like clockwork. I never thought I'd be thankful to have them.
So now the question is...for someone with insulin resistance...what IS the carb amount we should have??

My PCOS was mostly the insulin resistance and hair growth. Vaniqa for the win on hair growth though! Slows it to almost non-existent. Want to get lasered later this year, and then use the Vaniqa with it, and won't be able to tell. Since surgery and starting on the cream, it's gotten so much better.
It took them from the time I was 18 to 28, when I put on over a 100lbs to finally diagnose the PCOS. Once they did and started me on Metformin, I quit gaining weight, and actually started to drop it ever, ever so slowly.