Bumps in the road
Well, I was doing great up to this week. I started to feel a little sore in the pouch area and have not been able to eat or take my vits without it hurting. I went in today and they told me to go straight to the ER. Like that is fun fun fun, I spend more and more time there with each visit, Anyhoo, I think it is another ulcer so I am goin in tomorrow to get scoped, wish me luck, hope I wont be there another 6 days. Ok, I am done cryin
.... for now

Aw, Brina! Hugs!!! Wish that you weren't having this trouble. How come they are hospitalizing you for your ulcers? Tummy meds aren't helping? When I am good about taking my Prevacid and Carafate my ulcers behave nicely. On days when I slack off on the meds, they rear their ugly little heads and chew me up inside but thankfully I've never had to be hospitalized. Sure hope that yours aren't getting really, really bad again. Let us know how it goes, ok?
I'm getting scoped again on the 24th next month to have a peek at my pouch, sure hope it is all clear in there then. You and I need to keep these little rascals under control. Hang in there!
Thank you Molly, I do not normally take anything for ulcers. The last time I went in they said they were all gone and I should be fine. This time they are not 100% that it is ulcers so they wanna make sure before it gets worse if it is not. The Dr. here that does my scopes is not available until the 29th of August but if I go to the ER I can see him immed. I hate how this works but I will play. I'll let ya know what they find.
Thanks again.
Sabrina, good luck with the ulcers. I had to get scoped twice but for strictures. They automaticly check for any ulcers when they are down there. Question for you did you get tested for H-Pilori before your surgery? I did and I came up negative so they put me on a intesive 2 week round of antibiotic. H-Pilori is a bacteria in your stomach that makes you more suseptible to ulcers. I never knew I had it. Well best of luck to you let us know how you did...
take care, Erin
I had an ulcer and I have never been hospitalized either. I went in for a scope because I was hurting on the left side so bad. They said it was an ulcer and just put me on Nexium twice a day and I went back to make sure it was gone and to make sure I didn't have any strictures. When I went back they said everything looked good and put me on one Nexium a day. In a few days it was hurting again so they put me on Nexium twice a day again. I will be taking that from now on though. I haven't had any problems since then. Thank goodness for insurance though because the Nexium is so darn expensive.
Anyway good luck to you,