So... I think I'm alone
Even knowing this before having the surgery, it's hard to be the only one on this board that has had Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG), instead of the more modern Gastric Bypass or Lap Band. I know that there's a board on here for VBG patients, but I really just love everyone on here, and want to stay in touch with my December 2006 brothers and sisters!
It's hard to relate to everyone's food intake and weight loss, when I am on a fairly different program. I can eat sugar without ever dumping! That's a big one right there. Also, I don't lose weight as quickly as all of you amazing people with Bypass, so I get a little discouraged at times.
I'm done whining! I just needed to vent, suck it up, and haul my ever-shrinking-butt to the gym. Just because I'm not at the same rate as everyone else doesn't mean that this surgery hasn't been a success.
- Krystal
Hey girl, Ease up on yourself and smile...I mean really grin all you have accomplished in so short a time. You are doing great and every day you should be getting happier and happier as you get healthier and healthier.
Don't compare your weight loss with others - if I did that I would be totally envious of you. But I have learned to be happy and look at the bright side and not compare my size with others. Many of us seem to be at about the same place now, and my doctor says I am right ahead of where I should be and your doctor must be ecstatic with you.
So smile, beautiful angel, and stay with us on this board.
Krystal, I'm sorry you feel isolated here but keep hanging out with us. Even though we have different surgical 'installations' we are all struggling to keep up with our programs and keep motivated to follow our doctor's rules. Group support is so vital for that!
You are doing just great and even though you are losing at a different are still losing! Would you have been able to do this well on a standard diet without quitting at the first discouragement? I wouldn't have been. And I stopped comparing myself to other RNY patients months ago. They have mostly left me in the dust weight-wise but as long as I'm still losing then I'm happy.
Whine whenever you need it...we may not serve you cheese with it
but we are all here to listen.

We are all in this together. Just as the previous posters said, it doesnt matter what surgery you had or even if you didnt have surgery, we are all in the battle of overcoming obesity, losing weight and getting healthier. So, we all have the same goals in mind in the end. Don't leave!! You have done a fabulous job and should be very proud of yourself.
You may feel alone because you had the VBG, but to echo what others have said, your doing great. YYou have lost 100+lbs in less than 5 months.
I had surgery a few weeks before you, and have loss less, with a higher starting weight. I am inching my way towards the triple digit mark. Food intake is a personal thing. The types of food you eat, volume, etc are all very different for everyone. I can eat alot of sugar without dumping. Thats probably why my weightloss is not what it should be at this point. Then again, some people just lose alot faster than others. Even the "bypass" part of the surgery veries greatly. Some people may have as little as 75cm, with others over 150.
I know how you feel, because I have had my moments of dispair with my weightloss, but then I have to realise that Ive lost nearly 100lbs in 5 months. Sometimes I wonder if I had the DS would it be 150lbs at this point? The grass is always greener on the other side of the street. Just be glad to be where your at and continue working on it Your doing great.
OMG...You are doing GREAT!!! You should be sooo PROUD of yourself!!! We are all our worse enemys with our weight loss
Personally I have no idea the difference in our surgerys and it does not matter...we all did it for the same reason..OR what is the big deal. Put a smile on your face and keep up the good work!!!