Newbie to this board...questions about quanity?
I have been posting to this site for a couples months now, but just relazied that this board existed. I had LAP RNY on 12/6/06 and have lost 121 pounds. I have no problem with any food and have not thrown up (except blood from complications, but I don't count that.) Anyways my question is how much food do you eat at one sitting? I was eating about 4oz of protein at one meal and a few broccoli crowns, does tht sound about right?
Thanks for any info.
Great weight loss!!! Welcome to this board. It is slow but has good information! I have also lost 122 pounds but that included some of my preop weight loss on my own and a liquid diet (=48 pounds total). Feels incredible doesn't it? Anyway, yes I eat about 3-4 oz of meat with a veggies or some fruit (like 3 strawberries, small amounts) on the side. It is weird to be able to eat that much now isn't it? Which from a normal person perspective is not a lot but to us, coming from a couple bites of pureeds to this is a long way. Kinda freaks me out sometimes. But it is normal. Hugs to you and welcome!!!
You go girl!!! Please send me some ideas of your menus. I am in complete Aww that you have lost that much in such little time. I can't believe it...I had my surgery the same day and I have only lost 70. I know I eat more than 4 oz at a time sometimes and I drink with my meals alot which I know I'm not supposed to. How much protein are you getting in and what forms do you take it in. Please Please give me some suggestions.
I am not very good about counting calories or protein, but here is a prett typical day for me.
Breakfast: Special K High Protein ceral with Soy Milk or a 100 calorie light yogurt
Snack: sometimes a protein shake
Lunch: Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine Meal. I usully eat the meat and a couple bites of the veggies
Snack: 2 reduced fat crakers and a piece of cheese or a protein shake
Dinner: 4 oz of meat and a couple bites of veggies or small salad
Snack: My hubby and I will split a 100 calorie snack size bag of Smart Pop or a SF creamsicle.
I drink at least 64 oz of water/Crystal Light. I try to stay away from carbs, but I have a few weakness included those tasty cheese fries at OUtback. They are a big downfall for me.