::insert scream:: vent
on 4/28/07 11:43 pm
on 4/28/07 11:43 pm
Yes.. I know you get hair loss.. no prob..
Nobody mentioned that when the hair comes out.. it gets all tangled with the remaining hair and causes GIGANTIC KNOTS!!!!!!
I have fairly long waves/curls.. and OMG!!!!!!! :***(
I was so close to tears, it took me 1 hour, my teen daughter and tons of conditioner to get rid of those rats nests!!! I have NEVER EVER had that.. so I know it has to be the hair loss.. I was so close to chopping it off.. I have a small trash can in the bathroom.. and it has craploads of hair in it..
:::cry.. whine..::

I have very short hair and it seems to be coming out too. Luckily so far it is not in huge amounts but I am sure it will start showing soon. I have an appt. In 2 weeks to get it cut shorter. I might dye it blond for the summer too, I think it will be harder to see my scalp through blond than dark red.
If you keep getting the tangles try using Paul Mitchell leave in conditioner, it will detangle anything without the pain.
Same thing happened to me. I even had to do the "comb over" thing to try to hide it. But good thing I noticed it last week, I had weave in my hair and removed it to discover this hair loss. I went the next day and bought a wig that I have been wearing for the last week or so.
I will wear this for a few months before I do anything with my hair, will probably end up cutting it off short too, even though I am a No-maintenance kind of girl.
Me too, it is shocking really to see how much hair has come out. I just changed my avatar to reflect my shorter hair. I will grow it back, I think because we are all Dec. people that we are all in the same boat. The hair loss has slowed since I cut my hair short though...
I'm right there with ya!!!