I have lost 60 pounds!
Angela, congratulations on your terriffic loss!!!! I have a big 'ol Germanic frame and at 5'4" I weigh 165 today. It would thrill me to get to my personal goal of 130 but I know that now with all this extra skin that will not happen and I'll see if I can get down to my doctor's goal of 145 and be happy with it. There are certain clothes I want to get into that I used to wear when I first got married and hopefully it will happen.
And yes, enquiring minds want to know what June 24th is.
Keep up the great work!

Traditionally, no its not done this soon but I had an appt set since October 2006 with this plastic surgeon and saw him in February. He examined me, and confirmed that I will need a tummy tuck. Once I got my letter from him outlining the costs involved, I called to schedule and they were scheduling for September 2007. A lot of my coworkers have used him, some have had WLS, some have not but he does good work. He is out of network for our ins but will give you a price that is very manageable, if you can wait, and his office gets everything approved thru ins as they are usually medically necessary.
I have always had a problem with skin and flab on my stomach, now is no exception and I cant wait to finally get rid of this extra spare tire. Since I am a lightweight, I fully expect to be at goal by the time I have this surgery, especially since I am over halfway there. I have 32 pounds left to lose to get to goal and 5 months til PS. I have really started cracking down on my workouts too so that I wont have so much flabby skin on the rest of my body but this tummy has got to go!!!
Thanks for the support!!