My Hair
Hi Nancy,
I took my hair down from braids last night and I HAVE LOST HAIR!! My hair is really thin and appears damaged. I have been taking my vitamins and getting enough protein. I wasnt really shocked by it because I expected it but I had to go buy a wig to wear for the next couple of months so that I can get my hair back together again.
Its wild!! but I would rather have the weight loss and deal with the hair loss, it will grow back but there's always weave and wigs!!!
Hi Nancy:
I am 4 months out and losing hair something fierce....but it's all part of the process, so I try not to complain. But, really...I am loosing a lot. Luckily, none of my friends can tell, I had to let them know this was happening, so as I check my shoulders for phantom hairs they won't think I am weird or hallucinating
Take care,

Hey, Nancy -
No matter the explanation, it sucks to see hair falling out. Mine has been coming out in bunches, but I have unusually thick hair, so my husband says he really can't tell.
Now, this may or may not work... but I've heard that using a protein-rich shampoo and conditioner will help the hair that remains to stay strong and full. At least it's something!