A little concerned
I woke up this morning around 3 and was coughing my head off, had a head ache. So I sat up in bed......got real dizzy.....sat for a few. Got up and couldn't walk straight. My equal librium (sp) was off. I got my tylenol and made it to the bathroom. Took it and some cough meds. I have never felt like this. I have also had the runs for a day now. I think that was due to fruit. Now I stepped on the scale this morning and am down to 175...that's 70 lbs in less than 4 months. I am kinda concerned. Has anyone experienced this? I am sorry this is so long and TMI. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Hi Corinn:
I was very dizzy for one hour (like falling over dizzy) last Wednesday at work, no less. I just kept drinking water and it passed.
I am not worried about your weight loss, in case you were wondering. I am down -72 as of last Monday, and we are surgery date twins. I think we're doing ok.
My date is earlier than yours (12/8/06) and I have lost 57 pounds so far!! I had the same thing happen to me earlier in the week. I felt lightheaded and didnt feel good. I ate some lunch and stopped feeling that way. I think I was not getting enough food in me. I just had to make sure that I was eating often enough and getting all my water in. That takes concentration sometimes. But also, due to the weather changing so drastically here in Houston, I have been waking up with a stuffy nose and a bit of a cough.
You both have done well, congratulations to you!!!
My date is earlier than yours (12/8/06) and I have lost 57 pounds so far!! I had the same thing happen to me earlier in the week. I felt lightheaded and didnt feel good. I ate some lunch and stopped feeling that way. I think I was not getting enough food in me. I just had to make sure that I was eating often enough and getting all my water in. That takes concentration sometimes. But also, due to the weather changing so drastically here in Houston, I have been waking up with a stuffy nose and a bit of a cough.
You both have done well, congratulations to you!!!
I can always tell when I'm behind in my water intake, especially cumulatively, I will get lightheaded/dizzy or even feel slightly "funny." That's my first clue to ditch the protein and drink like a madwoman. Cause if I'm passed out, I can't eat the protein anyways.
Also, if you're coughing, it could be the beginning of a head cold/sinus infection, which will also throw your equilibrium off.
I SOOOO hated my first cold after surgery. Didn't want to eat or drink, and it just totally made me feel washed out. Worse than surgery.
Hope you feel better soon!

I agree, It may be a little dehydration coming on. I have had alot of dehydration since my date and it feels alot like that. Don't worry about your loss hun, I am at 72 pounds and at about 4 months too. My Dr. says that I am losing at an ok pace. I will say though that when I hit 70# about 4 weeks ago I was worried that I was going too fast too but my Dr. said it is okie dokie. I have a pikk line now for a month or so so I have not lost any weight in 3 weeks
but it is better than they dehydration I was going through.
When in doubt call your Doctor, make him/her earn their money

Corinn, thank you for posting about your experiences the other morning. It has been interesting reading the replies, even if I am late getting to this thread. (my computer is in the kitchen and it is still torn up from the pantry addition so I'm not turning it on very often) I've had dizzy spells like you described but not with the coughing and tummy trouble. I thought maybe it was my bp meds which need to be adjusted but always drank some water just in case it was a sign that I was getting dehydrated.
Congrats on the 70 pound loss! That is wonderful and I remember in the early weeks after surgery you were feeling like it wasn't working for you since 'everybody else' was losing faster. It is great to read how well you are doing, just hope you are feeling better now. My surgery was earlier than yours and I still haven't broken the 70# mark yet but am getting closer to it every week. That thrills me!